Shelby has groupies? Since when and does she know this?
by wasblind 168 Replies latest jw friends
Well, good morning! Oh... and... HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2012!!
Had a WONDERFUL time last night/this morning: dinner, dancing (oh, the dancing! "I said, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah... yeah, yeah!" Usher, ya'll... for those who don't know. Also, Parliament, Aerosmith, B-52s... "Love shack, baby, love shack!" Not to mention Vanilla Ice (uh-huh, I went there!), Earth/Wind... lemme see... OH YEAH!!! "Everybody dance now... I said SWEAT, BABAAAAAYYYYYY... let the rhythm take control, let the rhythm MOVE you... sweat... swea-etttttt!"). Had the GREATEST time! Hubby had one drink... I had none (I was wearin' high heels - 3.5 inches, ya'll!... and didn't wanna fall on my derriere and embarass the guy (or myself - LOLOL!).
Anywho, I think (hope) I got MY point across here. Which point is: stop making ME... YOUR problem. Here's little diddy to help you do that:
When I was in the second grade I had to leave class to go "tinkle." When I arrived in the girl's room there were three "older" girls already there. 5th graders. "Bad" girls, already... and black. No matter to ME, though. Until I went "tinkle." Being only, what... 8?... I tinkled without flushing while I did. And so was absolutely MORTIFIED when one of the girls commented, "Dang, she pee SO loud!!" Uhhhhh... wha... what?? Pee "loud??
That one comment cause me to HAVE to flush whenever I "went" in public... up until about 9 months ago. Seriously. What's that... about 42 years?? Something some little idiot 10-year-old bad girls said... not even TO me... but ABOUT me... effected me... for 42 years. Until I CHOSE not to LET it any longer. Even so... what it DIDN'T do... is cause ME to expect... even WANT... everyone ELSE who pee'd in public... to flush while they did so. The "sound" of THEIR peeing never bothered me; it was the sound of ME peeing that "took me places"! I could HEAR those girls every time I entered a stall.
Point: just because someone said something to YOU... that may have traumatized YOU... does NOT mean... or give you the right to expect/insinuate that everyone ELSE thinks the same... or views you the same. That is just STUPID... and one way that racism even gets fomented: that whole, "they" did/thought/said it, so "all" of them must do/think/say it.
STUPID. I.e., NOT intelligent. I.e., not very "educated."
Okay, I've said my piece. Now, please... stop talking "about" me if you can. It's... well, weird, IMHO, actually.
As for the rest of you dear ones (those of you who actually identify with/accept that term coming from me)... thank you SINCERELY, for trying to change the subject. I'm trying, too, but had this one thing to say. Otherwise, though... GOOD form!
A slave of Christ,
Can I join your posse? It seems Mrs. Jones is on the fence because of some altercations in the past... ** read: face-ripping **
You lie monkey! Besides that fence huts my bum.
Mornin' Shelby,
gotta go expectin' company
again, my apologies to anyone I may have offended
in the heat of the moment
Happy New years to everyone
Shelby, Can I join your posse?
Well, now, see, deah MunkyMan (piece... o' banana... t'ya'll!)... if'n ah hads me a possie... wich ah dont's... ya'll cudn't be rippin' off no faces. But ya'll laks to rip 'em off, so ah don' see how it cud werk. Ya'll thinkin' ya'll mite cud giv face rippin' up? Ah don' thank so's, but whut ah no's? Tell ya'll whut... if'n ah evah duz git mahsef a possie... 'n considrin deys a TUN o' bad folk on dis heah bowrd ah jus' mite... but den, dat whut dem mod'raters is foah so mebbe not... ah promisses ta chek wit'chall 'n see if'n ya'll dun giv it up. If'n so... den... SHO! Sho 'nuff ya'll kin joyn up wit us!!
K? K.
Piece (o' sum otha kin 'o frutes) to ya'll!
Yo sirvint... who ain't speekin' getto a'tall... but cuntry (in kase ya'll din't no 'dat)...
It`s a New year and..I didn`t wake up All White!..
Got a finger caught in the door last night..I woke up with a Purple finger..
One of my favorite fingers is PURPLE!..
I don`t know what I`m going to do..I don`t have any clothes that match my purple finger..
All the shops are closed..I can`t get a new outfit..
I`m a fashion disaster ..
Is there google translate for poor grammar? That's what I call 'ghetto-talk'... ;D I can't understand a word you typed....
Yes, Ebonics and country are remarkably similar.