by wasblind 168 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    Detrail away but do not start a posse!


  • mrsjones5

    I'm eating a warmed tortilla and leftover meatball stroganoff.

  • tec

    Hmmm.... maybe BOTR's suggestion of a posse of a group of women from a certain ethnic background might have some basis after all...

    Tec - white

    Watersprout - white

    Okay, I honestly can't think of anyone else off the top of my head who might be considered part of her posse.

    Oh wait:

    Outlaw - ? I always assumed white

    Farkel - ? I also assumed white

    So all of that makes the accusation of a racial posse... moot and wrong.

    I mean, the use of the word posse is fine. I would describe the opposers of Shelby as a posse too. But whatever. A posse to me is just a group of people with a common goal of some sort. Or the same beliefs or whatever. It was just that Band thought it was racial, and that is wrong. Thought also that she was being threatened, and I didn't see that either. Disagreed with, yes, and vehemently so sometimes... probably. But that's not the same, or she should feel far more kinship with Shelby that she appears to feel, lol.



  • tec

    Oops... I am not in line with the new purpose of this page.

    My son bought me The Hunger Games to read. I am starting it tonight. It looks so awesome :) Also, Shamus already sucked my face away!! >:(

  • AGuest

    Damn, damn, DAMN... why'd I open this, yet another thread about "AGuest" (may you ALL have peace!)? Well, since I did:

    Dear Wuz (peace to you, dear one!) is apparently offended at BOTR in the same way she claims to be offended with me: racism. Problem is:

    1. Speaking "ghetto" doesn't make me "ghetto."

    2. How I speak shouldn't be of any concern to anyone.

    3. I threatened no one; those who told BOTR to try "it" with them... are white. Each one.

    4. I am not a thug. I am actually educated... in at least two (2) more ways that BOTR: while we both have a law degree... I also have a "street" degree... as well as what I've received from my Lord. Unfortunately, she has a problem with the the latter two.

    5. I don't have a "posse" (seriously??). I do have friends here... many... which run the gamut. I think most would be surprised to know, however, that MOST of them are actually men... and white.

    6. Wuz took issue with BOTR; BOTR mentioned ME. No one else did.

    7. BOTR is the one who insinuated that she believes my "problem" with her is that she is white. Oh, please... I'm not the one harboring fears about white girls from my past... and trust me, I have reason to. What's the POINT, though? The problem wasn't that they were white; the problem is that they were IDIOTS. And I don't care for idiots REGARDLESS of what race, color, ethnicity... and profession... they possess. Indeed, I detest them! And as of yesterday, I have come to particularly detest idiot attorneys.

    I want to go on record, right here and right now and say that racism is NOT my problem with BOTR. I had NO problem with her... until yesterday. My problem NOW is that I consider her one of, if not THE most untrustworthy. unstable, and untruthful posters I have ever come across in my close to 11 years posting here. Black, white, green, male, female, adrogynus, old, young, man... or beast.

    Now, if you all will kindly excuse me, I need to go get showered and dressed. Cause I'm going out to dinner and dancing after with my MEXICAN husband, WHITE girlfriend, and her WHITE/BLACK husband. And tomorrow, I'm gonna have 3 MEXICAN men, one WHITE/BLACK man, and 3 WHITE women... one of whom is ITALIAN (the real deal, family from Palermo)... in my home for New Year's Day brunch.

    I would suggest that at least one person here use all of her "refined" education and get her butt up from the dang computer and go get herself a flippin' life.

    Peace... and HAPPY FLIPPIN' NEW YEAR!

    SA, on her own... ready to shake a tail featha!


    Yep I`m White and I`m gonna be White all Night..


    I`ve never had any suprises when I woke up in the morning..

    Still White..

    It`s time for Dinner and a Cold Beer..

    When I wake up tomorrow,it will be Next Year! ..


  • AGuest

    Ummmm... is it ME... or doesn't anyone else seem to "get" that "posse" is a GHETTO term... and brought up/used/referred to by someone who claims they don't use "ghetto" speak? I cannot ever recall using that word... in any manner other than while watching a western flick.

    Goodness, does the hypocrisy NEVER end with some people?

    I don't have a "posse". I wouldn't have a posse. A posse is, IMHO, a group of people who band together to go after criminals. Or... a term used by rappers and those who follow the hip-hop culture. I am neither.


    SA... heading for the shower...

  • poopsiecakes

    Posse is a western term for rounding up the bad guys...however, please read my post above sweetie and Happy New Year! :)

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I've only known "posse" to be a term from c&w flicks.

  • mrsjones5

    "My son bought me The Hunger Games to read. I am starting it tonight. It looks so awesome :) Also, Shamus already sucked my face away!! >:("

    I just bought the second book in the series for my daughter today. She's crazy about that book.

    p.s. wasn't Posse the name of a Mario Van Peebles movie from back in the 90's. Hm, that Mario, a mighty fine man who happens to be black.

    p.s.s. @ Shelby, tell it sista! Have fun and Happy New Year!

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