I found this site hoping to read topics submitted by JW's so I could learn more, but it just seems to be everyone else here except them. Just about every topic and member is just bashing JW's and their teachings. This site should be renamed "jwbashertrolls.net". Some people will never grow up and just hijack anything that should be positive.
Any actual Witnesses here?
by trthskr 236 Replies latest jw friends
If you want to learn more facts about Jehovah's witnesses religion
and only facts check out JWFACTS website
Lots, but they usually end up leaving, but all not without a bad taste in their mouth. Jehovah's Witnesses are about converting, not truth so it makes perfect sense.
Loyal Jehovah's Witnesses won't say anything that isn't published first by the Watchtower Society. If you want to learn more about them you must go nowhere but the Watchtower.
I was one when I joined here. As has been said www.jwfacts.com is probably the best site for you.
Well, I've read all just about all of the opposing opinions and they have all been either lies, twisted facts, or misunderstandings of what actually happened so I was only interested in learning Bible truth. I do look at the Watchtower as well.
Please point out the lies.
I could type forever but i'll mention a few; accusing the Witnesses of being "false prophets" and giving false prophecy. Anyone with an ounce of Bible knowledge knows that there are no more prophets since the apostles. Witnesses are only praying for Holy Spirit for INTERPRETING and APPLYING Scripture. They never stated that they are prophets. Also, where does it say in the Bible that people are perfect? Exactly- nowhere. So that means that everyone makes mistakes. That doesn't mean that the gist of the overall message isn't there. The 1975 thing was just a rumor started by a congregant and not even sanctioned by the GB.
And this thing about the UN; trying to mislead people by stating the the WTS was in cahoots with them when they were only an NGO (non-governmental orginization) who went to the library there to obtain information for their publications. They never supported or endorsed the UN. I could go on but there are two perfect examples.
Witness My Fury
Oh my, how little you know! How little you must have read.