If you write an actual review of a book (not just spout opinions about the religion) your book reviews can actually be approved by amazon.com and have a fairly widespread audience.
And it's therapeutic.
by rebel8 23 Replies latest jw friends
If you write an actual review of a book (not just spout opinions about the religion) your book reviews can actually be approved by amazon.com and have a fairly widespread audience.
And it's therapeutic.
Hey rebel8! Great suggestion. Thanks.
Good idea.
Great idea. I added a review on Revelation. I liked this comment from another reviewer: " Kind of like a Christian version of L. Ron Hubbard's insane beliefs, if L. Ron was smoking crack. "
excellent idea! btt
GREAT idea, Rebel8!!
As a She-Devil, I'm wondering why I didn't think of that...
I looked up the reveiw on revelation book and couldn`t agree more with" grundog"s comments on the 7 trumpets in rev 8,9,10 and the book applied it to the WT`s special resolutions at 7 conventions 1922-28 .Quote: It takes an incredible stretch of the imagination to beleive john was referring to these irrelevant events,long forgotten even in the minds of WatchTower followers."unquote.
Way back then I couldn`t swallow that line.But did I leave then ? no!! The power of indoctrination is amazing.
I also looked up the reveiw for the "Creation" book and agree how shameful it was they quoted Carl Sagan out of context,and how he expressed his disgust at the dishonesty of this religion I think I came across this information in the early 90`s as well as the higher education article quoted out of context.This was my awakening to the deceptive manipulating practices of this religion
Awesome. I'm going to bogart the idea and pimp it on a FB group I'm in.
Nice reviews. :D Was that you, Rebel8?
You have a PM. ;)