excellent idea
Review wts books--easy way to make a difference #1
by rebel8 23 Replies latest jw friends
BTT great idea
Remember that Amazon.com is not Amazon's only site. Reviews can be left independently on the UK site as well as France, Germany, Japan, and maybe others beside.
When writing these reviews it might be best to focus on one or two key facts that undermine the book or a damning quotation, which would work better than a general rant that could turn off Witnesses who come across it.
Watch out for comments on your review too as Witnesses may come along and dispute what you have said.
On the UK site it looks like a Witnesses hasve been busy leaving their own positive reviews.
"Kind of like a Christian version of L. Ron Hubbard's insane beliefs, if L. Ron was smoking crack."
That was me
There is a dub who follows me on amazon.com and posts the same negative comment on every single one of my reviews.
**OOH! You can also vote on search tags for the books. I select "cult" on all of them of course.
In 1968 I was sitting in Federal Prison with a little blue book in my hand.
I was a prisoner because I had thoughts in my head put there by the authors of the little blue book.
If you asked me what was illegal about mere "thoughts" I would have said being a prisoner of Conscience was the crime.
But, that would be "spin." Like the contents of the little blue book.
What you think is true is the motor that drives your life. What you think is Absolutely True drives your life absolutely.
What could be so "True" that imprisonment would be sanely chosen over Freedom?
Bertrand Russell once said:
A hallucination is a fact, not an error; what is erroneous is a judgement based upon it.
The truth of the matter was that I had made erroneous judgements based on hallucinations published by the Watchtower Society.
The little blue book I held in my hand was titled: THE TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE.
Yet, it was the voice of the Ventriloquist that reached my ears. The invisible hand of the puppeteer crept inside the Word of God and the hallucinations began. 843 scriptures were quoted and activated imputed "meaning."
What did this TRUTH book tell almost 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses to think, believe and act upon?
7 years remained until an outstanding event occured which would dramatically impact the lives of everybody on earth and heaven!
The choices were Life or Death.
Imagine a ton of explosives with a fuse. That fuse is lit when you open the pages of a book!
You are horrified to discover you are trapped inside the radius of the explosion.
Is there any escape?
According to THE TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE the only remedy was to put the book in everybody else's hands, study with them using the book and energize their decision to agree with and promote the views of the Authors of the book.
Cherry-picked quotations of the opinions of select experts planted horrifying predictions ahead.
1.Starvation world wid loomed ahead.
""By 1975 civil disorder, anarchy, military dictatorships, runaway inflation, transportation breakdowns and chaotic unrest will be the order of the day in many of the hungry nations.""The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life pp.88-89
2.Society's violence would make life impossible.
"Back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acherson declared that our time is "a period of unequaled instability, unequaled violence" And he warned: "I know enough of what is going on to assure you that, in fifteen years from today this world is going to be too dangerous to live in"" The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life p.9 1968 edition
Did this book impact reader's lives and alter their behavior?
"Yes, since the summer of 1973 there have been new peaks in pioneers every month. Now there are 20,394 regular and special pioneers in the United States, an all-time peak. That is 5,190 more than there were in February 1973! A 34-percent increase! Does that not warm our hearts? Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end." Kingdom Ministry May 1974 p.3 How Are You Using Your Life?
"Today there is a great crowd of people who are confident that a destruction of even greater magnitude is now imminent. The evidence is that Jesus' prophecy will shortly have a major fulfilment, upon this entire system of things. This has been a major factor in influencing many couples to decide not to have children at this time." Awake! 1974 Nov 8 p.11I left prison as a parolee in 1969 motivated by this little blue book.
I spent 100 hours a month putting it in the hands of householders in neighborhoods where I lived.
I used it as the basis of what was deemed "Bible Study" and urged baptism into my religion based on its contents.
The result is best explained by the book's own Publisher after that telltale year of 1975
The Watchtower 1980 March 15 p.17 stated:
"In modern times such eagerness, commendable in itself, has led to attempts at setting dates for the desired liberation from the suffering and troubles that are the lot of persons throughout the earth. With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting-in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man's existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility . It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated.
The important question to be faced concerning this little blue book and its its urgent error filled message is this:
Was this just a mistake? Was it an honest error?
You will be astounded to read the following quotation written by the same Watchtower Society WRITTEN 13 YEARS EARLIER:
The Watchtower 1955 February 1 p.95
"The very fact that, as part of Jehovah's secret, no one today is able to find out how much time Adam and later Eve lived during the closing days of the sixth creative period, so no one can now determine when six thousand years of Jehovah's present rest day come to an end."
"...statements were published on this subject, and some were likely more definite than advisable." Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom p.104
Would I recommend this book, THE TRUTH THAT LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE to others (as I did for 7 years?)
Only if the person were interested in debunking the Watchtower Society and its publications as a source of anything reliable.
Terry, did you post that on amazon.com? That is probably the most compelling review yet.
Thx for the newspaper articles. Perfect. I reposted them: http://bethshancongregation.freeforums.org/post44.html#p44
I wonder what Errol Burton is up to these days.
no one can now determine when six thousand years of Jehovah's present rest day come to an end."
Wow, I did not know they said that just a few years before they said when the 6k years would end. Dumba$$es.
Terry, did you post that on amazon.com? That is probably the most compelling review yet.
I didn't post it. Nobody would read it!
OMG. If you read the last item posted it says the 1000 years after Armageddon ends in 2975, which means Armageddon comes in 1975!
I didn't post it. Nobody would read it!
Oh I think they would. There are jws on there who I believe are getting pioneer hours in by posting comments. They search for reviews on dubs and try to refute them.
The world needs to remember that people like you went to prison for the wt's lies.