can you personally think of any pros of being a jws? anything that you have experienced that was and still is beneficial to you now from when u were a jw?
Pros about being a jehovah's witness
by raxxxx 45 Replies latest jw experiences
Raxxxx - just on another topic, can you check your PMs? I believe RAYZORBLADE has sent you a message about Crisis of Conscience.
Now, proceed with your thread!
finally awake
nope - not one. when i was a true believer, i would have said that the love and unity in the congregation were wonderful, but once i was not going out in field service, i started to see how the love and friendship wre actually conditional and how easily my "friends" could just ignore me.
The JW's always said that we were a worldwide brotherhood, and it didn't matter what the origin and background of our brothers and sisters was, we were all one family.
That attitude is still part of me, I now extend it to the whole human race, I don't care what a persons origins or background are, we are all part of the human family.
Apart from that attitude of having no predjudice, the only other Pro I can think of is, I don't mind looking a fool, you have to be one as a JW, from the world's point of view, so I am used to it.
Ignorance is bliss.
Life is always easier when someone else makes all your decisions for you.
If you are an uneducated bafoon you'll fit right in.
You don't need pay for medication or treatment for mental illness. It's just the demons messing with you.
You don't need to pay for marriage counselling. Window washers and janitors called "elders" will do it for free.
A summer vacation is planned for you every year. It's called a "District Convention". You just have to find a way to pay for it.
You get to visit a lot of coffee shops and garage sales while trying to sell the Watch Tower band in field service.
In my case, there were some pros. For me it was a very disciplined lifestyle. So I learned discipline. There was a lot of reading and "studying" of Watchtower literature. Even thought the "studying" was little more than regurgitating what you had just read, it did enhance my reading and comprehension skills. I was a troubled teen, I think the phobias kept me from doing things which may have gotten me in serious trouble, i.e., drugs.
Oh, one more, I did gain a bit of sales skills.
Only new here, but adding my 2 cents to this topic.
A pro for me is public speaking.
I have thanked my Mum for this as she encouraged us to be good witnessess and do our talk at the Ministry School from a young age. I was always a pretty good reader and done well at this.
In my work now 30+ years later, this has helped me as I need to do presentations and training courses for management.
A definite skill obtained from my early days.
(If only she had encouraged me to further my eductaion with the same vigour.........)
HAH!!!.................and maybe I would have learnt how to spell education as well.
Found Sheep
I drive safe. The years of pionering in the snow in rural areas made me a great driver.
that's it