I learned to read at a very young age [before kindergarten] and speak publicly without fear, and utilize research skills to seek out information in support of a given hypothesis. Very useful when you wish to defend a certain idea, ideal, or ideology. I was also taught to dismantle the religious beliefs of others using the bible, which eventually led me to deconstruct my own beliefs using the bible.
Pros about being a jehovah's witness
by raxxxx 45 Replies latest jw experiences
JW GoneBad
Not that this isn't a good thread....
However, I'll bet that Mormons and Catholics can come up with a long list themselves of Pros about being a member of their faith as well!
So JWs, don't let it go to your head.....Because the WTBTS caused me and millions others to be judgmental, hateful, stingy, arrogant, proud & boastful with nothing to be proud and boastful about and the list goes on.....and it has almost caused me to hate religion as a whole.
I guess you can say I'm trying to work on and re-training myself to be Gooooood to my fellow man in a genuine sort of way.
Well, until the guilt-tripping set in,
- The assurance that God Would Fix Everything that was wrong with the world.
- Incidental Witnessing: a sure-fire way to check creepy guys who hit on you.
- Neutrality: at least it keeps you from falling for the wingnut candidates.
- Anti-materialism: saves you money.
The best thing about being a JW was getting to not be one. I appreciate little things that others take for granted so much more now.
Oh, and another thing:
No Room for George said:
While I no longer agree with all of the WT's doctrines, their literature is simple enough to assist someone in grasping a basic and working knowledge of what's in the Bible.
Even after 16 years out, I can still find a scripture in next to no time; comes in very handy in my daily work ...
...as a fortune teller.
Band on the Run
I agree that there was nothing special to the Witnesses that would not have been better letter in a normal atmosphere with loving parents.
It is interesting that as we are reaching for the good crumbs, no one has a 20 or 25 item list.
If I read age appropriate newspapers or other material, I would have learned far more than in the WT. One thing I regret is the sports experience being barred. I am not naturally athletic but I keep hearing how men learn to deal with other men better through sports and women generally miss this learning experience. It could be the incubator for cattiness.
I am very good at reading(Watchtower taught me how to read when i was a kid), thats a pro and since I am very good at reading the way I got out of the watchtower is I was able to "Read Between the Lines" and find out all the fallacys of Watchtower later on, and also it taught me how to use critical thinking skills.
I had 10 suits I donated to the Goodwill about a year after I my last meeting...
You don't have to do your own thinking. Instead, you consult a Washtowel rag or some littera-trash to make even the smallest decisions. Your time is all managed for you. Perfect for those who wish to avoid any decision making.
I love to way dresses. Growing up, I loved putting on a dress for meetings, service, assemblies, conventions (even school). At 46, I still love bouncing around in a skirt (at least 6 days out of 7). I am appreciative that my parents religion required girls to dress like a girl.( As for adult JW women, I do believe they should have the choice to wear pants when they so desire.)
I am also appreciative that smoking was forbidden.