Yes, Shelby. I wrote ALL of that. I got a DUI in past. I have drank heavily in the past. That doesn't make me an alcoholic as you have no idea how often, when or why I was drinking.
I will free admit I drink alcohol. I have never made a secret of that.
You and your LORD still have to prove that I am alcoholic. And you NOW need to answer for the made up portions, the lies, of the initial conversation you posted in this thread.
Having a DUI no more makes one an alcoholic than having a heart attack means someone is 300 lbs and eats a pound of bacon every day.
You presume to assume more than you can possibly know.
Will your LORD step up or is he now relying on you to comb through my past posts and act as if they are a great surpise? I notice you completely left you the posts I made where I said 100% honest was my new policy in life. I have lived up to it. Seems like you are taking on my old personality. Shame, really.