We have new understanding on who these brothers that were suppose to give something to eat. Any guesses on who these brothers we are suppose to clothe or give something to eat to. Well, there are seven specific brothers that we are suppose to listen to and obey everything they say. None other than the GOVERNING BODY. Unless you obey the governing body you will lose your life at armageddon.
This is blatant idolatry! To listen to and obey everything they say is the most blatant form of idolatry there is. This is a direct contradiction of the scripture they themselves harp on all the time at 1Corinthians 6:9 and 10. Remember, idolaters are not supposed to enter God's Kingdom? Yet, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger expects to be worshiped in direct violation of that scripture that they themselves harp on.
And they complain when someone gets an album on vacation because "millions of fans worship the band". They want people to throw away the record, even though they got it solely as a souvenir of the vacation, just because others are worshiping the group. Then they want people to absolutely worship the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. At least no musicians demand such absolute obedience to their fans.