Living forever or immortal ?

by Simon 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon

    Just a thought ... when describing JWs and what they believe, be sure to tell people that they think they are immortal and will never die as this seems to sound a bit more 'looney tunes' than that they will live forever.

    Well, does to me anyway. What do you think? Did you ever imagine how it sounded to joe public on the door while you showed them a crappy picture of 'paradise' from the livre forever book? I'm sure the person was thinking:

    "my god, there's a psycho here ... he doesn't seem to ahve a weapon apart from this book but I wonder what he's got in the bag? Ok ... keep him talking ... keep him talking ... 'Sure, I'll buy one (maybe he'll go) - how much?' ... what the?! 'no charge but not without cost??' ... yes, definitely unbalanced!'"

  • cellomould

    Whattrya' talkin' about, Simon?

    I am immortal! I don't die! If you think I'm looney, drop a 60kg anvil on my head!

    Or better yet, hit me with a locomotive!

    Can you tell I'm sleep deprived? he hehehe


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • cellomould

    Seriously, though, yeah...

    We knew we had better be careful of how we presented our beliefs. I remember visiting the home of one of my high school friends out in the door-to-door ding-dong marathon one day.

    I never asked her what she thought of the tract my friend left her. I of course knew she would have thought I was weird.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • avengers
    I of course knew she would have thought I was weird.

    Guess she's right.

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Good point: never dying. I will remember it.

    You know they no longer claim that we are in a judgement period, I believe, such that those who do not believe the JW way--will die.

    Correct me if I am wrong anyone.


    Hey Simon,Once I hit my teens,thier make believe world didn`t ring true.I sure the hell didn`t want to live with the jws forever,not after they bumped off my friends and family..>>>Hey Mr.Toilet Paper,your wrong..LOL...OUTLAW

  • Hmmm
    Hey Simon,Once I hit my teens,thier make believe world didn`t ring true.I sure the hell didn`t want to live with the jws forever,not after they bumped off my friends and family..

    Outlaw, let me get this straight... The Witnesses killed your friends and family, causing your teen-aged children to invent a fantasy world to escape from the trauma, and you beat them to straighten them out?


  • Faraon

    I have been living for millions of years, yet I do not recall my past lives.
    I lived in the cells of my father and my mother, and their parents, their parents, and so on.
    I am the product of a continuity of living cells.

    Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.

  • expatbrit

    This is yet another area where the JW's bullshit. They will say "oh no we do not claim that we will be immortal!"

    That's because they have chosen to define immortal as unkillable, which according to them, only the annointed will become.

    The saps on Earth will only have "everlasting life". This differs from immortality in that, if they put one thought wrong, they can be fried. Freddie and friends in heaven don't have to worry about that because they're better than everyone else, so there's no possibility of them doing anything unkosher.

    So the doublespeak is "we wont be immortal; we'll just live forever."

    Where's that emoticon?....oh yes.....[8>]


  • IMBlueFire

    Here's a reference:

    *** w84 4/1 31 Questions From Readers ***
    What is the difference between immortality and everlasting life?

    Endless life will be enjoyed both by anointed ones receiving spirit life in heaven and by humans whom God declares righteous for life on the Paradise earth. So if you think about the outcome, immortality in heaven and everlasting life on earth result in basically the same thing-living forever. There are, though, some comments about immortality that can be made.
    Though immortality is, in a sense, everlasting life, immortality apparently implies more than that its possessor will live forever.
    The Greek word translated "immortality" (athanasia) is formed from the negative a and from thanatos, meaning "death." Immortality thus has the basic sense of 'without death,' or deathlessness.

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