Hmmn ... sounds like they are saying "oh no, we don't say we're immortal [ie. that we won't die] but we believe we'll live forever!"
A bit like the difference between 'free' and 'without charge' ...
by Simon 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hmmn ... sounds like they are saying "oh no, we don't say we're immortal [ie. that we won't die] but we believe we'll live forever!"
A bit like the difference between 'free' and 'without charge' ...
Hey Hmmm,very funny.You are a sick shit..LOL...OUTLAW
In "Questions From Readers" above immortality is defined as "without death" or deathlessness. Yet in order to receive spirit life in heaven the anointed do die. Yet those who inherit life on earth after Armageddon will never die. Who then are immortal?
Simon, Did you forget already?
when describing JWs and what they believe, be sure to tell people that they think they are immortal and will never die as this seems to sound a bit more 'looney tunes' than that they will live forever.
Just to clarify:
Immortals can never die and can never be put to death. Examples are Jehovah and Jesus Christ. The GB also includes itself in that category.
Those that live forever: only do so with the grace of God. Examples are Satan and his Demons all were given everlasting life. Therefore they can and will be put to Death.
I guess you've lost all your JW need to catch up on your studies. (This is sarcasm)I haven't learned how to denote sarcasm yet since I'm a newbie.. I've been reading discussion boards for several years and this is the first time I've decided to participate. Thanks for this fine provision.
If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members —[I] The Two Babylons[i/] Alexander Hislop
Can you also tell I'm a terrible typist!
If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members —[I] The Two Babylons[I/] Alexander Hislop
I'm an idiot! I hope this works this time, lower case [i].
If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members —[i] The Two Babylons[i/] Alexander Hislop
somebody pleas help me make italics the designer in me refuses to make inch marks for a title. thanks so much! To whom ever comes to my rescue.
If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members —[i] The Two Babylons[i/] Alexander Hislop
It seems you are 'active' I get the mortal, imortal theory but the latest thing I heard from an active witness was that at any time now (don't know exactly what that means) all of the apostates or at least oodles of apostates will suddenly wake up and smell the coffee about the true religion and be "beating at the doors" to get back in and will not be allowed.
Is that what you believe also?
Simon, sorry it's a little off topic.
"The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
- Kin Hubbard
It seems you are 'active' I get the mortal, immortal theory but the latest thing I heard from an active witness was that at any time now (don't know exactly what that means) all of the apostates or at least oodles of apostates will suddenly wake up and smell the coffee about the true religion and be "beating at the doors" to get back in and will not be allowed.I don't know what individuals may do in the future.
Is that what you believe also?
Since I'm active and my husband is in the Org. I have to be careful what I reveal. Let's say I work in the medical field in psych/substance abuse and I know a more than something about nursing homes and other medical fields.
There are no atheists in the nursing home. What ever an individual was raised as or came to believe regarding a spirit person this is what they express as their belief in death. However, there are always rare exceptions to everything. I hope this doesn’t scare you. Even my father ,who is Catholic, is getting religious now that he is older. Even though he resents the church.
If the head be corrupt, so also must be the members — The Two Babylons Alexander Hislop
...hey, this person's name looks like mine, only misspelled.