I am not, never have been a JW. Raised in the Plymouth Brethren, now am an atheist.
I've recently had the 'benefit' of a couple of FS visits which I've previously reported here.
The first was from a couple of old dears on a cold and rainy day who I should really have invited in for a warm-up and a cup of hot chocolate (but I didn't).
The second was from a young guy (about 17-18)and his sidekick. He was intelligent and articulate but, of course, his conversation was limited to WTBTS stuff. He gave me his literature: I gave him a note of this site address and another. I felt sorry for him - but this was tempered by the knowledge that he and/or his colleagues may just hit upon some poor vulnerable schmuck who may then be drawn into the WTBTS experince (or 'scam' as it is more properly known).
My question is this. With the benefit of availabilty of information that now exists (JWN, Richard Dawkins Foundation, etc.) more and more recipients of the 'benefits' of home visits have a lot more information available to them than ever before. In view of this, has WTBTS given any 'special warnings' or 'special briefings' to those it sends out to spread their 'message'?