Thanks very much for the responses.
The picture I get is predominantly one of apathetic (or at least unenthusiastic) JWs going door-to-door because they feel they 'have to' and being met with a complete lack of interest by those they call on. Generalisations, I know, but it's no wonder why so many ex-JWs say what a depressing waste of time it all was.
I liked Steve2's comment 'when mad meets mad'!
I agree with the point about apathy being more difficult to deal with than opposition. In a different context someone said that the opposite of love is not hate but apathy. In modern parlance the 'yeah, whatever' attitude.
A little off-topic, I have only come across 'apostacy' as a big deal in two religions. One is JWs, of course, although most of their efforts are (theoretically) dedicated to convincing others to become 'apostates' from their own religion. The other is Islam - the penalty under Sharia law is death. If a JW 'converted' a Muslim to JWism how would their respective gods handle that?