I worked for 10 years at several branches (doing IT work) and this assholes never cease to amaze me! I've heard that sweet talk dozens of times. Once a month they have a "special talk" after Monday Watchtower study, once in a while it is "special" because they have to address some shit going on at the local Branch.
During my stays at some third world Branches they give this kind of blah blah blah talk (change, accept change) to convince Bethelites that a new Branch facility is ABSOLUTELY necessary, that they have to let go of the old place. Then they gave sweet talks to whip everybody onto construction work and to "spread the word" to the congregations (=come to work every weekend and bring the $$$$ with you, Jehuba will give you some salty crackers, some lemonade and his blessings)....last year I've got dozens of emails from former Bethelites that had to go, because the very same buildings that at the time where ABSOLUTELY necessary are now being SOLD. Since I worked in IT, I had access to the Accounting deps of some of these Branches (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and some African Branches). I KNOW how much the construction costed versus the prices that they are asking for these buildings - THEY ARE MAKING A KILLING!!!
Sweet Watchtower Talks on Monday Nights = CA$H & POWER.
But never forget: lots of disgruntled, frustrated ex-Bethelites (like me) on the streets = scratching on their fundaments, putting Revolution in motion. Little by little....