The Two Forces

by N.drew 259 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    The Ark pictures the response to one kind.

    It means the customs of the people can cause catastrophe.

    And most people did not stop the destructive behavior , but some used it to be redeemed.

    Sodom pictures the other kind.

    It means the people respond badly to the intuitive recognition that doom is ahead.

    In one case what the people are DOING causes something bad. In the other case something bad coming, but not by their fault, cause them to act badly.

    I suspect the society is involved with both scenarios. They are the center of the drama.

  • cofty

    Read it three times - sorry not a clue what you mean?

  • N.drew

    It might be the other way around. If force one was force two and two one would it make sense?

    Where's poster bob?

  • bioflex

    Saying the people of sodom didnt have a hand in what happened to them is disturbing. If its not their fault then who's fault is it?


    Sodom - that's what I say!

  • NewChapter

    Saying the people of sodom didnt have a hand in what happened to them is disturbing. If its not their fault then who's fault is it?

    Hmmmm---could it be the fault of the one that rained fire down on their city? Just a thought.

    N. Drew: Hello little Pixie. I think you have left out some portions of your statement---we can't connect the dots on our end.

  • Paralipomenon

    May the force be with you.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    so...are you trying to say that people react badly to bad a self fulfilling prophesy? And only a few take the message and run with it to get rewards.

  • N.drew

    Yes! I love you still thinking. And I love still thinking. I love my kindred spirit Hi! NewChapter!!


    In the case of the flood I suspect it was MAN'S mass behavior that caused the rain. Think wood. I suspect they were going after their own desires to the degree that they used too many fires that caused something in the sky that caused the flood. The sky was different then wasn't it?

    Noah used the same thing that caused the rain to build the ark for his escape (whether it really happened or not, doesn't matter-believe either way-it means the same).

    So in the case of the days of Noah their behavior caused their end. Jehovah let it happen.

    I think the case of the Sodomites is different. But Jehovah LET is happen, but did not cause it. It was a natural phenomenon that was GOING TO HAPPEN. To understand you must get out of your linear-time thinking mode. Because it was going to happen it caused a reaction in the inhabitants. When something bad IS GOING TO HAPPEN the consequence can be realized BEFORE the event. It doesn't take a prophet to feel it. A prophet is he or she who can, for better or worse, gestate* it.

    Because they were sensing doom, their behavior went bad. "If we are going to die anyway, then let's have some fun". But it takes more and more to get the same feeling of "fun", doesn't it? By the lowness of their debravity it suggests humans can feel the effects of future phenomenon for a long time before it happens.

    I am in the class alone it seems that says why not let's stop doing that which will cause harm and why not let's learn how to avoid the other kind (the kind not cause by OUR behavior).

    Both are possible. I believe.

    *I work hard on finding the right word, if you really want to get a sense of what I'm saying see Google WordMonkey Thesaurus. Whenever I use a word above 6th grade level, that's where I find it.

  • N.drew

    The two forces that effect the future are INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.

    internal - within

    external - without

    Both forces are in association WITH humanity as a WHOLE and individually.

    So to control the forces means to control the FUTURE.

    Evil knows how to do it.

    But "good" doesn't know how. Hm I wonder why?

    Hey! Why don't we learn HOW and maybe then STAY on the right strait path?

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