GAME OVER argument

by johnnyc 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • johnnyc

    I know everyone has read the older Awake masthead. However, do people really understand how powerful the statement, and why it really is a GAME OVER statement? I have shown this now to my wife, who was a very good JW (full time pioneer), and she immediately stopped even going to meetings. Same with my sister (although she was not a pioneer). My mother won't give me 5 mins to even explain it to her, but my father (who was a PO) is now really shaken...and I believe will end his association within a year or two.

    I wonder how many people have really thought about what was said. For a refresher:

    "Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away."

    Everyone focuses on the last part, but consider the phrase: "Creator's promise". Id love to get the exact number printing of this masthead, but it has to be hundreds and hundreds. To go tell people door-to-door about a promise Jehovah has made to everyone, and then be wrong about it.... frighteningly bad. Unlike so many times the WT has said comments about not being prophets, or speaking in God's name, or the like....this is without a doubt worst than all that would have been. Frankly, even if it had said something like "we prophets come to you with this message", at least the negative effect would be that the WT was a prophet that was wrong. What they actually printed puts it out there like JEHOVAH will be dishonest if the events don’t transpire as stated. (would not want to be in their shoes)

    Oh, and the icing - the fact they say "generation that saw the events" does not allow the current explanation of generation to work as defense. This statement makes clear it is the generation that "saw" the events for themselves.

    This has been a GAME OVER example to the people I have shown this to so far, and its something fast to get out...unlike other subjects.

    Thought I would share...

  • Ding

    I'm glad this has been effective with people you know, and I hope it will be for many more.

    So many JWs just shrug their shoulders, say "new light", and continue knocking on doors.

  • cofty

    Nice one johnnyc. It was the deal breaker fo me too.

  • AllTimeJeff

    It's only a lie that was in the AWAKE for several decades.

    It's incredible what the human mind does. I told myself it didn't matter, that new light changed, and I just went along with the riptide through all of my 20's.

    Sad, but until one THINKS about the "creators promise" part that they somehow got wrong, it just doesn't register.

  • elderelite

    Really is a hell of a thing when you break it down... Nicely done :-)

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Can you remind me when did it change?

    EDIT: OK just looked for myself in bound volumes and it's October 22nd 1995 is last time it was used.


    Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 C.E. passes away.

    Awake! Magazine - Part of masthead 1982 – 1995

    Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, and lawless system of things.

    Awake! Magazine - Part of masthead from 1995

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    These scans are from the bound volume

    At 1600 * 1134, they will print ok

  • johnnyc

    I am glad people agree. This one statement contains everything that the WT has said they avoid saying in other articles. The fact they printed this so many times, like a mantra summarizing their reason for existence....its crazy. The fact they silently changed it too says a lot.

    The WT cannot pass it off as a slide of hand mistake, or that they weren't speaking in God's name or for God. They can't say the new "generation" explanation works here since they used "saw". Its a nice one-off, GAME OVER statement that cannot be defended against. They can't even come back and say it was a human error and seek forgiveness. The told millions/billions on the earth that Jehovah had a promise, and that He lied. You dont get away with something like that.

  • slimboyfat

    It was a real eye opener for me too. There's not much wiggle room there: "creator's promise"? They lied. Extremely powerful.

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