Why the house to house preaching work never works

by RULES & REGULATIONS 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I dislike when people come knocking on my door ''cold calling'' with their sales pitch. Do you need a new roof? Do you want to donate to a local school so they can pay for a trip? Do you need a subscription to a newspaper or magazine? Do you want to buy candy or cookies?

    I never purchase,donate or get free estimates from ''cold callers.'' I don't know these people or trust them. If I need something I'll call you!

    What makes the WTS think that having members walking around ''dressed to kill'',offering a magazine or book, make householders open the door and start a Bible study from people that they have no prior personal relationship?

  • ziddina

    DITTO on this thread!!

  • ziddina

    But seriously....

    Any corporation [hint, hint Watchtower Corporation...] that still thinks that "door-to-door" works, is living in the stone age...

  • truth_b_known

    My father is a devout Jehovah's Witness and has been a salesman for as long as I can remember. He always told me that a great salesman has to do little work because the product will sell itself. That is is to say, you market your product to those who are in the market to buy that product.

    What we forget is that there are secondary purposes to the door-to-door preaching work. We are told we would be blood-guilty if we didn't do it. It is our moral duty to warn people.

    The fact is, you could literally go from door to door telling people, "If you do not become one of Jehovah's Witnesses you will be killed at Armageddon" and technically fulfill your obligation.

  • paladin

    I strongly believe door to door work preaching is counter productive.

  • Phizzy

    It keeps the average JW busy, too busy to use their minds and blow hard enough to tumble the house of cards that is the WT falsehood.

    Mind control + time control equals fewer escaping the prison that is the JW cult.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Door-to-door preaching is nothing more than a "feel good" exercise for guilt-ridden dubbies; it's grossly inefficient and a huge waste of time and resources. If the WT truly believes it to be the "life-saving work" they claim, then why not marshall all of the Society's immense resources and shout the message from every modern means of telecommunication available to them?

  • sir82

    The WTS knows the door to door work is at best inefficient. "A colossal waste of time" probably expresses the idea better.

    However, they don't give a rat's @$$ about that.

    The primary purpose of the door to door work is to keep the rank & file occupied with "busy work". It gives them the appearance of having a "purpose in life" and keeps them too busy to think about hobbies, getting an education, getting a better job, or the obvious & plentiful out-of-context quotes and logical fallacies that the doctrine relies on.

  • elderelite

    It also makes the dubbie "invested". They are sharing from door to door something so they MUST believe it... Other wise they wouldnt share it. Self hypnosis

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I've been in sales and marketing most of my working life and I've always felt it was inefficiant at best. The product offered is ambiguous at best. What are we offering really? a mag? a bible study? what is it?

    Then the target audiance. Well the WT states it's everyone. Well even Charmin knows their product is not for everyone. It's targeted.

    And then the follow up. A RV. And what's offered? More of the same ambiguous product.

    The WT knows what the product really is. It's the future donations from the householder. That's really what the goal is. The door to door thing is just a distraction and a way for publishers to trip over one another in getting priviledges. It's sorta funny in a sad way. All these people occupied in this non-message too busy to see the forest throiugh the trees

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