Why the house to house preaching work never works

by RULES & REGULATIONS 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    To say that house to house preaching never works is to presume that its purpose is primarily to gain converts. If instead its primary purpose is to create solidarity and loyalty within the Witness membership (as some sociologists have argued) then it might be said to be more successful.

    Ooops I see sir82 got there before me.

  • LostGeneration

    A person's home is a very private and important place. It is where you to rest, eat, and relax. You invite WHO you want, WHEN you want. The Watchtower takes that precious place and steps all over it by sending their peeps systematically to each home with the single goal of discussing religion. A person's religion is another private matter, which they generally don't want to discuss with a pair of cult recruiters on their doorstep.

    Couple private home with private topic and its no wonder that it takes more than 6,000 hours of FS to recruit one new member, and much more when you subtract out born-in baptisms.

  • thetrueone

    What makes the WTS think that having members walking around ''dressed to kill'',offering a magazine or book, make householders open the door and start a Bible study from people that they have no prior personal relationship?

    Because it works and they have proof of that by the numbers they accumulate.

    How do many become JWS other than being born in ?

    Picking up a WT in a laundromat doesn't have the same appealing effect in comparison to a smiling individual whose

    come directly to a person's front door step.

    Its the WTS. own editorial writers responsibility to print something attractive and appealing on the front cover and inside the literature.

    These two aspects of the JWS work togther with a singular objective.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I wouldn't say never, but I have yet to meet a publisher that was found in the door to door activity

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