Inside I thought I did cause thats what they say... that only the true worshipers would have it, but I was confused because they taught that only the annointed 'really' can be filled with holy spirit.
but now that I understand that holy spirit is a free gift to anyone that asks in faith, i understand that it had been calling me ("many invited few chosen") for many years. I chose not to hear because i trusted everythimg came through the WTBS.
I know now that Jah and his son had been looking out and protecting me on many occasions that I didn't even know about, some of them til now and at the same time allowing me to go through certain trials and tribulations inside because of my faith and choices in the organization and not really in THEM at the time.
I cannot speak personally for all the so-called annointed that partake inside the org. as to what motivates them to partake at memorial but as to some even most holy spirit is working with them (they are being called).....called to come out as Revelation 18:4 states, "Get OUT of her MY people if you do not want to share in her sins." By remaining inside they remain harlots because you cannot have or be joined to two masters , The WTBS and CHRIST. It isn't until they leave , "quit touching what is unclean' that the Son can take them in as His.
So....some may be feeling or hearing holy spirit....but what will they do about it?