No! And that is wierd because I did sit on at least one judicial hearing. Opened with prayer as taught to do. Still nuthin.
Did you ever "feel" the holy spirt "apon you"?
by highdose 42 Replies latest jw friends
Here's a story. Ya know how at the circus assemblies and district crapventions....they'll have "experiences" where the elder will interview a pious zealot about his preaching work and that person will explain the difficulties he overcame in the preaching work? One I consistently heard was "I don't have the best memory but whenever I am in a deep conversation at someone's door......Jehovah pours out his spirit upon me. I start remembering all sorts of scriptures and the words just flow right off my tongue. Clearly it is the work of angels"
Well well well. Let me tell ya. That NEVER happened for me. I recall several times getting engaged in a bible thumping contest with a local preacher or pastor and getting my ass handed to me. I remember once completely zoning out of the conversation so I could focus on praying that Jehovah guide my words and make me remember all the scriptures I need. I phased back in was a deer in the headlights. I quickly excused myself while muttering something to the effect of "clearly your pride of being well versed in the scriptures has fogged your desire to learn the sheeplike truth of the bible". I wish I could 1) travel back in time to that incident and 2) switch bodies with the pastor so I could kick my own ass after that statement.
Many times after that I wondered why Jehovah didn't bless me with special powers of remembrance like he did so many others. Never did it cross my mind that these "experiences" were likely bullshit stories meant to invigorate the masses.
I never became a JW but my mother did later in life in her 50s. During her time as one, she would always tells me she felt bad because she never felt this "holy spirit" that all the other "sisters" seemed to feel and she didn't understand why. My mother has always been a very spiritual person but she never felt it in a Kingdom Hall or out in service. She has since left that religion and goes to a small little church which she loves. She says every Sunday before or after the service they have coffee and snacks, a nice joy filled worship service and then people go home. She loves it. No wasting your life going door to door doing something no body likes to do. She says the music is so joyful and she can actually feel love and possibly the holy spirit in her little church. I went as far as going door to door when I was involved in that religion but I absolutely HATED it. I am so greatful that I never encountered anyone that questioned me on the message I was giving because I would have had my ass kicked. I also NEVER felt the holy spirit, not in the KH, not in service.