Just wonderin'
Do you believe in Doggy Heaven....(Why? or Why not?) be honest
by Terry 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
charlie brown jr.
As a Kid...... before the Evil Empire....... Before the Dark times LOL
Band on the Run
In one of his books (not Narnia or the sci fi ones) he wrote that just as humans are saved through Christ, domesticated dogs are saved by humans. It was exactly what I wanted to hear. I certainly hope so. They have strong personalities. Wrap humans around their paws.
I think anything that can dream surly is connected to the spirit realm in some way. Which means heaven could exist for them too I guess. What's heaven without man's best friend?
Band on the Run
My thought exactly. I love them and particularly my own so much that Paradise must include dogs. Cats, however, can be restricted by de facto discriminatory laws.
Band on the Run
My thought exactly. I love them and particularly my own so much that Paradise must include dogs. Cats, however, can be restricted by de facto discriminatory laws.
No, when I die will probably come back as a dog. After that a junebug. Then mouse.....I don't drink, really...
No, there is no heaven for dogs. They have the "earthly" hope of living forever in paradise on earth after the great day of Flea-mageddon. . It is the cats who go to heaven to "rule as kings and priests" over the dogs. Jehovah Cat is still looking for the 144,000th feline from the "fleaful and dishevelled slave class" left here on earth.
. Jehovah Cat
actually, he is called Ceiling Cat.