I visited a dog exhibit at the Franklin Institute. It was amazing. An early Stone Age burial shows a woman with her puppy nestled next to her. The human/dog connecton is at least that old. A Chinese friend said that Chinses have dogs as pets but not in the sense that Americans and Europeans do where they are honored members of the family and run the household.'
In PA, there is a culture war between the Amish, who are stuck in time and truly cannot conceive as a dog or cat as pet, and everyone else. Dogs are purely livestock animals. Despite efforts to explain how the puppy millls revolt people and the Amish will lose an income source, experts say there is no point in discussion. A dog is exploited the way cattle and sheep are treated. Eposes are run on TV showing the mother dogs having perhaps a 2 week rest in between 20 and 30 pregnancies.
It is my personal relationship with my dog that convinced me heaven cannot be heaven, witout cherished and loved pets.