Another Jaw Dropping, Hilarious Awake Mag.
by metatron 18 Replies latest jw friends
Don't tease us, Metatron.
pics or it didn't happen
Sorry, crappy keyboard - and the edit function on this site doesn't work.
Anyhow, check out the March Awake page 8 & 9. It advises, "Learn to Relax" , "Breathing deeply, which is one of the best - and - fastest ways to reduce the intensity of your anger" and "While breathing deeply, repeating a word or phrase that is calming to you, such as 'relax', let it go', or 'take it easy'.
The picture below this advice shows an Asian lady, captioned "Practice deep breathing".
Hey, Watchtower Idiots! The above (Asian lady and all) is describing MEDITATION. You know, the stuff in which you repeat stuff like "Om" or "OM MANI PADME OM" ?
Folks, are they running out of inspiration and ideas? Well, Duh!
Rebel8 Are you kidding me??? Fancy a Fungus????? Sounds like they're promoting VD.
LMAO @ 3rdgen....I friggin' SNORTED reading that!
The levels of ridiculousness are reaching new heights. Thing is, they need to put things in the Awake that might be remotely interesting to someone out in Field Circus in order to be able to sneak in the Watchtower as the "companion magazine"...but they don't realize that the vast majority of people can find all their information WITH accurate quotes IN CONTEXT right on the good ol' internet. Hell, the local Borders bookstore went out of business a couple of months ago because, quite simply, people don't really NEED printed books as much anymore. They can get their information in downloadable formats for their Kindle, Nook, or Smart Phone. If someone Fancies a Fungus, all they have to do is google it and everything they ever wanted to know about mushrooms (psychadelic, button, porcini, or otherwise) or any other fungus (VD). These dumbed-down articles are really grasping at straws. At least writers in the old days SOUNDED educated, even if they were only shoveling bullshit.
breakfast of champions
Guarantee you: Asleep! will be an online magazine only or completely dispensed with within 5 years.
Complete silliness! Yes, having anger problems, maybe I should wear garlic around my neck to scare the wicked spirits away!
In the same article on anxiety,they have a picture of a woman in a full apron,and her husband is sitting at the table. If they want to appeal to a wide range of people,they need to stop drawing pictures from the 1950's.
Now they are encouraging chanting.
What is funny too is another article later in the very same magazine that discusses anxiety which doesn't seem to provide much advice at all. About the only advise it provides is to be supportive, learn about it and comfort one another.
It does mention that there is medical treatment available but they did not endorse any specific medical treatment.
How stupid can they be when they had just written about the medical technique of dealing with anger management by using deep breathing, excercising and immersing yourself in something you enjoy - all very helpful and important methods in helping to deal with anxiety also. In fact it is the most basic and fundamental way of helping to deal with it and one should expect this to be advised when speaking to a Doctor.