Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 01-15-2012 WT Study (TEMPORARY)

by blondie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pams girl
  • punkofnice

    Very briefly scanning this garbage from the WBT$, I’d say Paras;

    1) is using the JWs loaded language eg ‘world’, which has a special ‘us vs: them’ meaning to JWs. The scriptures are not related and simply cherry picked to support the loaded language. I haven’t even checked the context, no doubt it’ll be different to the JW explanation!

    2) More us vs: them propaganda using ‘appeal to authority’.

    3) God’s invitation? Was Abraham’s choice optional? More ‘appeal to authority’.

    4) Here comes the ‘control’ and ‘obey the GB’ commercials!

    5) ‘Jehovah™ rejected them..’ now there is a stark warning for the GB! Appeal to fear!

    6) Us vs: them propaganda with appeal to fear and authority.

    7) Straw man using the term ‘Christians’ to mean JWs exclusively.

    8) Appeal to authority. Why the 3 dots? ‘’ and often severe persecution

    . . . The accusations varied.’’ Is something missing?

    9) The ‘preacher’s ‘WE’ is in the question. Us vs: them! ‘WE’ are ‘TRUE Christians’ and no one else is!

    10, 11) ‘Imminent end’ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So Paul said the time was ‘reduced’? How long ago did he say that and for whom? ‘Not using’ the ‘world’™ ‘to the full’? Wow. That’s different to the WBT$ who use lawyers, hedge funds, real estate and beg for cash! Hypocrites! Stay uneducated, slave for the WBT$,

    12) That’s why JDubs including Mrs Punk are on meds. The ‘anxieties of life’ are increased with the burdens the WBT$ loads on the ‘rank & file’™. So God supplies everything for his servants does he? Then why do the WBT$ beg the ‘rank & file’™ for money and free labour?

    13) When someone picks and chooses which is best from different translations they are setting themselves up as the total authority. No change there then! I’m informed the GB all have iPads they didn’t pay for. Is that following their OWN instructions they are burdening their followers with?

    14) Interesting they use parables of Jesus when it suits them, but NOT the prodigal son parable to show how wrong shunning is.

    15) How long ago did John say the ‘world™’ was passing away? Did he think it’d be before 1975 or did he mean something else in it’s proper context?

    16) Us vs: them! Sigh* What filthy propaganda this is… usual! Not focused on the message of Jesus at all….just the laws of the WBT$!

    17) ‘Happy hope’? Yes, a repeat prescription of Prozac!

    Well done again Blondie. I like many others look forward to your honest critique of the 'food at the proper time' that's gone rancid over the years!

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I attended the WT study yesterday; it was amusing that the elder conducting the meeting, being an affluent sort -- married, both with careers, no kids, huge house, luxury cars, all the "boy toys" imaginable -- world travellers (a regular on all the Society's overseas junkets), etc. etc. found it necessary to say "there's nothing wrong with higher education; we just have to be .... balanced "(whatever that means)...

    At this point several of his type in the audience -- also elders -- raised their hands to endorse his view, making similar comments. During some post-meeting chit-chat, I said I couldn't help wondering -- aloud -- to one of those who commented, whether they would have made those remarks if the Circuit Overseer were in attendance!

  • WTWizard

    So what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is claiming is that it is horrendous to simply live one's own life and become prosperous. You can't forget the Baghead or the Baghead (Jehovah) will take his cut (all of it) without adding any value.

    Effectively, this is telling the witlesses that they need to quit that decent paying job or get rid of their successful business, and pious-sneer. So what if you have the only honest, competent computer repair business in the region? So what if you have the only reliable car repair shop for 500 kilometers? So what if your bank is all that's keeping the Rothschilds from enslaving your country because you are the only one doing things the honest way? Shut them all down and get out in field circus--just providing a service for pay to society (which is what business is supposed to be about) is horrible.

    Beyond that, the article diverts attention from the real crisis at hand. While they are putting out rubbish about pious-sneering and slaving for Jehovah, the Rothschilds are preparing to make us slave for them. Already we are seeing unemployment that is above what is officially published, wars for stupid reasons, your dollars and euros buying significantly less than a year ago, and laws threatening freedom just about everywhere in the world (nowhere more obvious in the former United States of America, now the United Tyranny of Stupidity). A fake energy crisis--banning development of energy we do have. A sick care bill that contains 2,000 pages of hidden laws--one of which could include getting broccoli forced down our throats. S-510 with S-3767 that passed late 2010, making growing your own food illegal. SOPA still threatened, though it's being threatened for a veto (sure, like NDAA got "vetoed"). The NDAA act itself--you want to be herded to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention or slaughter? It's now the law here.

    Instead of preparing for the above, the Washtowel Slaveholdery is preparing people to waste their time. Even if barter is left legal, it will be of no use if you have zero value to barter with. People need to learn to do something of value--they have videos where people are urged to grow their own food and keep it hidden from the government, process their own water, and get guns and ammo. While most people will not be able to implement it all, everyone should be able to implement at least one article. You might be able to get your hands on gold and silver, for instance. Or, you might be able to fix bicycles, computers, and electric items. You might be able to process water or grow food. And, you might be able to barter for other services you also need. Which you cannot develop or implement if you are wasting time and resources pushing washtowel littera-trash and going to boasting sessions all the time.

  • iclone

    MY child is going to University and I am not abashed to let everyone know. In fact even my wife that is still a devotee to this religion asked “when are they going to stop beating this dead horse on education-enough already”. There are a few that cling to these suggestions but in our part of the world most people I talk to tell me they are definitely going to send their child to college/university. I had the 1969 Awake reference on my iPAD and showed it to my wife during the study and threatened to make a derogatory comment about it. She said “I hope you like the décor in the library, because that’s where you will be after the meeting” We had a good laugh about it how redonkulous the WTS position is on education-fools!

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Blondie, Thank you for your interesting comments and references!

    I found your comments on paragraph 12 and 13 to be particularly enlightening (highlighting the actual cruelty and hard-heartedness of the Society toward its own faithful elderly ones) ....

    ***w06 6/1 p.6***

    What, though, if an older brother or sister in the congregation is in dire straits, perhaps needing financial assistance? First, it would be good to find out if there are children or other relatives who can help. (and this includes non-jw relatives) This would be in line with what is stated at 1 Timothy 5:4: “If any widow has children or grandchildren, let these learn first to practice godly devotion in their own household and to keep paying a due compensation to their parents and grandparents, for this is acceptable in God’s sight.” It may be that the elderly one needs assistance in determining if he or she is eligible for any provisions that the government makes available.

    Horrible! Shocking, astounding. They really don't want to care for their own, do they, when these older (or sick) ones can't be good producers for them anymore....

    - Muddy

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Par 12 reads : “Jehovah’s servants differ from people of the world in their attitude toward material things.”………….This statement is a load of Bullpucky!

    JWs are no different than anyone else when it comes to material things. From the Elder to the Ministerial Servant to your average Publisher; JWs enjoy fine dining and drinking, big screen television, latest in fashion, expensive and extensive vacations, high end automobiles, the latest and newest in cell phone and computer technology and much more. JWs, like anyone else don’t even mind going into debt in order to have and to possess these material things.

    Jehovah's Witnesses, like anyone else, live as though they are Temporary Permanent residents in this world. So GB get with the times!

    Thank you again and again Blondie.

  • Quarterback

    Good job, Blondie....You had me at your opening comments. Kind of reminded me of how I was treated as child. I too, had an unbeliever for a father, and a beleving mother. I do remember the isolation among the kids who had both parents in the faith. I also remember how they turned out.



  • cofty

    Thanks again Blondie.

    I thought this was interesting ...

    But how do present-day Christians make use of the world? They do this by using modern technology and means of communication to spread Bible knowledge worldwide in hundreds of languages.

    Of course they do no such thing. They could use modern means of communication like TV but then everybody would see behind the mask.

  • BluesBrother

    P 9 "Out of love for our fellow humans we go from house to house" - Well, I bet the community would wish that they did not love them so much !

    p10 "Imminent end" ???? - I know it has been said before here but.......Oh No, how many times can they cry wolf???/

    p11 "only as much education as is required to meet basic needs while focusing on preparing themselves to serve Jehovah"....or should that be serving the WTS?.....Unless the Bethel needs computer skills or legal knowledge or other qualified people...then you are IN if you have the qualifications..

    P 12 decries what it sees as materialism but p 17 paints a very material reward "They will have beautiful homes and an abundance to eat and drink". So it is just putting off the reward and get a better one....

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