1st Century Dude with a Bible in Yesterdays WT?

by LostGeneration 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LostGeneration

    Saw this pic and kind of made me laugh, wondering if any who still attend heard anyone comment that the guy had his "bible" with him?


    Sorry can't seem to get it to appear, follow the link to see...

  • Knowsnothing

    Not to mention the kid is being forced to look away from the pagans.

    "Come along now son, we need one more hour of field service. Then maybe, we can go to the circus and see Bro. Happifying getting mauled by a lion. I wonder if that very same lion will be Bro. Happifying's pet lion in paradise?"

  • blondie

    I forgot to mention that in my comments.

    When were codexes invented? And it was not until Gutenberg's press that it became cheap enough for average persons to imagine have a copy.


    WT comments

    *** w07 8/15 p. 19 Do You Remember? ***

    What role did the codex play in early Christianity?It appears that Christians used mainly the roll, or scroll, at least until the end of the first century C.E. Over the next century, there was a struggle between advocates of the codex and those of the scroll. Experts believe that the Christians’ use of the codex played a significant role in its widespread acceptance.—6/1, pages 14-15.

    *** w99 8/15 p. 23 par. 19 Jehovah Prepares the Way ***Finally, consider how Jehovah has enabled his people to benefit from technological advances. Though early Christians did not live in an era of rapid technological advancement, one development they did make use of was the codex, or leaf-book. The codex replaced the cumbersome scroll. The book TheBirthoftheCodex states: “In contrast to the slow and piecemeal process by which the codex ousted the roll in secular literature, the Christian adoption of the codex seems to have been instant and universal.” This reference work also says: “So universal is the Christian use of the codex in the second century that its introduction must date well before A.D. 100.” The codex was easier to use than a scroll. Scriptures could be located faster. This surely helped the early Christians who, like Paul, not only explained the Scriptures but also ‘proved by references’ the things they were teaching.—Acts 17:2, 3.

  • wannabefree

    Made me laugh too. While there were enough drones commenting about different aspects, the nicely bound leather Bible wasn't referred to, I was tempted but it is not my religion mentally anymore, who am I to rain on the boasting session.

  • ScenicViewer

    If it really is from the 1st Century, wouldn't any copies of Scriptue have been in scroll form?

    Not quite sure myself.

    Edit: Whoops! Blondie's post got there before mine.

  • wannabefree

    Of interest however ....

    The caption does not say 1st Century, it says "early Christians"

    According to the advertisment in the background, it is a Gladiator event, according to Wikipedia ...

    Under "Gladiator"

    The games reached their peak between the 1st century BCE and the 2nd century CE, and they finally declined during the early 5th century after the adoption of Christianity as state religion in the 390s, although "beast hunts" (venationes) were continued into the 6th century.

    Soooo ... I guess this could be a picture advertising an event some time between the mid 2nd century to early 5th century ... somebody who is really up on fashion may be able to narrow it down to the approximate decade by the style of clothing.

  • TD

    Looks like a bound book to me.

    What's that in the background? First century Left 4 Dead?

  • Phizzy

    If it is supposed to be say, mid 1st century or later, then the clean shaven early christian was a Roman citizen I would say, but even accepting that rather 21st century "bethel" drone look he has, the Codex of the time was a cumbersome affair, loose leaves held together by a leather thong sewn down the back, these pages were more often than not of vellum, so he could only have carried a scruffy looking copy of say, part of the Gospels.

    Being hand written, not many pages per volume were actually that portable, it was just a slight advance on the scroll for a small amount of information. The scroll was not redundant at this time.

    The WT loves to illustrate the 1St century christians as though they were exactly like the grey, colourless non-thinking JW of today, the truth is very different I suspect.

    More mind control in picture form.


    The WBT$ will Out-Stupid themselves at every opportunity..

    I`m waiting for a WBT$ Drawing of a 4 door Chariot,early christians rode in..

    Out in the Field Service..


  • BluesBrother

    The caption does not say 1st Century

    Dubs only recognize 1st century Christians as righteous...after that they say the apostasy came in...The mag showed the "poster" depicting chariot racing and a smaller gladiator (maybe?) at the bottom partly obscured.

    I wanted to pass comment on the anachronism of Bro Christian's "Bible", but I thought better of it..His wife looks a sourpuss though, doesn't she?

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