What Does the Term "Higher Consciousness" make you project or think it is?

by frankiespeakin 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    This has been on my mind for some time,,reading Coward's book on Jungs and Eastern Thought were he talks about Jung's model of Enlightenment and the Kundalini rising up the Chakras.

    But after reading this book and several others I come to think that it is a sort of waking up and uniting with the Self that is at the very center of our existence and in fact the core of everything, the center which is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere, to borrow a phrase from the mystics about the sacred geometry of a sphere.

    I think of it as a painful and rewarding process,,at least that's the way i see it now. Hey what is the purpose in life anyway? I think Jung says to reach a measure of wholeness, or making as much of the unconscious conscious,(a dangerous process which is sorta like out in a boat fishing in a big sea, fishes(unconsciousness) being brought in the boat(consciousness) can become too big or too many and the boat sinks(schizophrenia).

    Jung was impressed by his study of buddhism how much of the unconscious the Buddha made conscious and came out of it okay on the other end.

    I think of it as a miraculas blending oposites perhaps some increase in healing energy, ability to navagate better though the world seeing a bigger picture than just one narrowed through repression.

    Well that is what I imagine it to be.


  • ballistic

    Do you think then that understanding yourself is the purpose to life? I'm not sure. Either we are a phenomena of the universe, which wouldn't have a distinct purpose or maybe we do have a purpose to understand the nature of that universe?

  • frankiespeakin

    I look at myself and other's as a mirrors reflecting the small part of the universe or multi verse we experience. Perhaps we are all just split offs of the one consciousness or awareness(Self). Maybe that what all this talk about duality and non duality, is something this intelligent awareness made and low and behold numbers and time and everything else came into being and it is both you and me as well as everything rolled into one. A big circle whose center is everywhere.

    So then perhaps life is something that has to be lived and when we die to this world we get recycled if we so choose or we can end it by staying right where we are and not get reborn and just be united awareness with the One or Self. I don't know it is a good as guess as any.

    Actual computer have helped a lot in shaping my world because the are a very clever use of the binary code.

  • ballistic

    I don't know why this thought popped into my head, but here it is. A computer can't draw a circle because it contains infinity. A computer draws a circle of small lines. Nor can we draw a perfect circle, in fact there are no perfect circles, anywhere. The closer you look, the more imperfections you will find. One atom slightly adjar to another. And so there is no circle. A circle would be an artifact from a perect universe, but life is only possible in our complex and irregular universe of much randomness. Some say the imperfections in the start of the universe are what gave rise to the different elements and the non linear spread of matter throughtout space. Just a thought.

  • ballistic

    Oh, you can make a perfect circle in your mind, that is allowed.

  • frankiespeakin


    I think that might be what deChardin thought.

    There is a communion with God, and a communion with the earth, and a communion with God through the earth.
    Writings in Time of War, New York, 1968, p. 14

    These lines that conclude Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's essay, "The Cosmic Life," provide an appropriate starting point for a consideration of his life. They are of special interest because Teilhard wrote them in 1916 during his initial duty as a stretcher-bearer in World War I


  • frankiespeakin

    "Oh, you can make a perfect circle in your mind, that is allowed."

    Very rarely do I ever get a vision that good or perhaps never. But I do enjoy the making of an occasional Mandala.

  • ballistic

    Yes, I do believe in the oneness of the universe, That quote definately rings true.

  • botchtowersociety
    I think that might be what deChardin thought.

    Fan of De Chardin here.

    Jung too.

  • NomadSoul

    What you're talking about is all happening inside your brain. The brain coming to an understanding of itself. I think that will be last thing we ever figure out, or don't know if it's even possible. Why? Because the experiment would get in the way of the experiment.

    Our brains are can be easily fooled. Just take optical illusions for example. And that is an external example, now imagine what goes inside your head.

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