This has been on my mind for some time,,reading Coward's book on Jungs and Eastern Thought were he talks about Jung's model of Enlightenment and the Kundalini rising up the Chakras.
But after reading this book and several others I come to think that it is a sort of waking up and uniting with the Self that is at the very center of our existence and in fact the core of everything, the center which is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere, to borrow a phrase from the mystics about the sacred geometry of a sphere.
I think of it as a painful and rewarding process,,at least that's the way i see it now. Hey what is the purpose in life anyway? I think Jung says to reach a measure of wholeness, or making as much of the unconscious conscious,(a dangerous process which is sorta like out in a boat fishing in a big sea, fishes(unconsciousness) being brought in the boat(consciousness) can become too big or too many and the boat sinks(schizophrenia).
Jung was impressed by his study of buddhism how much of the unconscious the Buddha made conscious and came out of it okay on the other end.
I think of it as a miraculas blending oposites perhaps some increase in healing energy, ability to navagate better though the world seeing a bigger picture than just one narrowed through repression.
Well that is what I imagine it to be.