What Does the Term "Higher Consciousness" make you project or think it is?

by frankiespeakin 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin


    All we have really is the psychic reality when you think of it and it is 99.999999999....% projection. Made up by the psyche to guide us through the world and a product of the nonlinear formula "survival of the fittest" and not necessarily survival of the truest.

  • frankiespeakin
  • Phizzy

    I think many creative people feel that they tap in to a "Higher Cosciousness" when "inspiration" comes to them. Some say that what they then produce in the way of art, music or poetry etc, feels as though it has come from outside of them.

    This is very humble of them, not taking all the credit, but it is my belief that what they do comes from within them.

    Our minds are incredible in their abilities, quite often we "know" something witout actually realising how we know it , I think inspiration is like that.

    Many creative people also feel that it is not good to analyse the process and how it works too much, if they do they will lose their Muse.

    They could be right, perhaps too much introspection is bad for us.

  • frankiespeakin


    I think that creativity comes from your higher Self,, Perhaps it is the a process that has it roots in the quantum world(they think the distances between the synapses of our brain cell are so close as to work at the quantum level),,were as repetitive processes of the mind work in the Newtonian type of physical world. One is in 4 classical dimensions of space and time and the other outside these dimensions and into the world which Einstein call the "spooky action at a distance". But we find out that Einstein's world of numbers could not come to to terms with what quantum physic was saying with it the uncertainty principle and so he coin the phrase "God don't play dice with the universe" His world of numbers would take him only to relativity and not beyond. It seem his creativity came to some sort of dead end.


  • frankiespeakin
  • Phizzy

    Thanks frankie, I had heard of Pauli, but only his famous bon mots, I had not troubled to read the article before, what a fascinating guy,

    and still making us think !

  • frankiespeakin
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  • frankiespeakin
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