Apologies if this has been posted before or even discussed.
This ted talk gets at the heart of what atheism is missing and my wife an dI discussed this for a long time last night. In short religion provides a framework for meeting, for ritual, for art, education and sociality. Without this framework atheism can seem lonely harsh and certainly disorganised (the general idea that education and culture can replace the gap may well be true but without a formal structure the route to personal mental fulfillment is somewhat piecemeal and patchwork.) One great example was art - in religion art is clearly defined in what it is trying to say, it contains motifs that are easy to understand and it teaches good and bad whereas art in general is much more free form and harder to understand or relate to since it isn't constrained by a framework. The example the lecturer gives is maybe have an exhibition on beauty so that people enter the exhibition with an initial context and the art itself is given boundaries and guides however subtle.
Maybe what we need are beautiful atheist meeting places, atheist charity events, atheist coffee mornings , atheist lectures on science. logic, art and beauty, atheist music and song..