Michelle---this is a problem. When a person brings up points--valid points---regarding morality and "sin"---the next thing we know we are talking child brides and pedophilia or whatever. OK---since this is the kneejerk reaction---allow me to more fully explain myself.
There are bands of people who not only believe in premarital sex and multiple partners, they are encouraged because in their view they honor life. They are not acting immorally, because for their society nothing they are doing is shocking, or wrong, or unaccepted. Along comes Christian missionaries---OMG these people are IMMORAL---they are SINNERS----they don't know any better. Horrible people. Let's subjugate them, they can't make their own decisions. Let's make them feel shame---let's make them feel like they are less----let's convince them they are so dirty they need a savior----let's tell them they will be punished.
And for what? For honoring life and reproduction in the way that makes sense to THEM. Minding their own business. Involved in their own culture. Until a superior minded group following the teachings in a bronze aged book showed up to call them sinners.
How far does this go? For me---it stops when people get hurt. It stops when self-determination is stolen from others. It would stop at child brides. It would stop at violence. Respecting someone's culture does not mean condoning bloodshed. Not that Christians were ever guilty of such a thing. Not that they ever decimated Muslim populations. We gotta watch out for those muslims----Christians would never do the kind of harm they do.
The Christian agenda is worrisome to me, as is the Muslim agenda----things tend to get very bloody and oppressive when god is given free reign. However I am able to let people live according to their culture (without judging) as long as the above criteria is met: No one gets hurt---everyone has self-determination. I have to say, the religious activists in this country and others are not so content to just leave people be.