Conquering A JW Fear

by EmptyInside 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    I'm watching a creepy movie. In my JW days,I would label it demonized. Don't ask me how a movie can be demonized,but it can.

    But,I must confess,I am still superstitious about such things. I don't think I will ever watch "The Exorcist" or the new one "Paranormal".

    This movie is about about a creepy little girl,"Case 39". I keep pausing it,and praying under my breath,sort of counterproductive,I know.

    My logical mind tells me that it's all just make believe. But,all the years of demon stories have played a part of instilling this fear,superstition,if you will.

    I grew up in the 80's where it was the Witness past time to tell "demon" stories. It left it's mark on me. I had nightmares throughout my life. So,I'm working slowly on overcoming this. I'm just trying to enjoy a good thriller,but we'll see if I make it through this one. I have to hurry up and mail this movie back,don't want it sitting in my house too long,lol.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Being EX JW doesn't mean you have to subject yourself to entertainment once forbidden.

    Personaly i don't care for slasher or 'demon/supernatural' theme films much at all. Not a hang up, just not big on scary movies.


  • EmptyInside

    Yes,I understand that. But,I've always liked scary movies,but the milder ones. I don't like slasher movies either,and like I mentioned,I'm not going for the exorcist or poltergeist stuff.

    And I would like to overcome this fear. Most people probably wouldn't even find this movie scary.

  • transhuman68

    It is kind of funny- I guess each movie you watch desensitises you to the special-effects and helps you to see that it is just a movie- a product of someone’s imagination; just as Satan & demons are. ‘The Exorcist- the directors cut’ is a great movie, with 11 minutes of special effects that were thought to be too scary for the original release back in the seventies.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I love the Twilight Zone. When I was young, the opening bars of music would sent me into utter panic. If I saw the Exorcist or similar film, I would end up on a psych unit b/c demons terrified me.

    Overall, I don't understand why being scared out of your wits is entertainment. There are so many other genres to enjoy. Sci Fi or Twilight Zone allow to get a glimpse from a safe distance.

  • EmptyInside

    Well,the movie turned out to be kind of lame,lol. I like thrillers though,they don't have to be about paranormal things. But,just the thrill of the chase,it's intense. But,most of the time,I usually like a romantic comedy.

  • blondie

    I have found real people in real situations scarier. I grew up with a pedophile father and an alcoholic mother. I never slept without a knife and booby trapping the door and making sure the window by my bed was ready to open.

  • lilbluekitty

    I hear ya there, though Case 39 made me laugh (except the scene where the little girl is in the oven, that kind of weirded me out...) but I'm still nervous about The Exorcist. I saw The Rite though, fairly recently, that was probably the scariest movie I've seen. 0_o

  • Botzwana

    I have recently been getting into paranormal type movies. ALWAYS loved the F13 series, Halloween etc. Now I just bought Child´s play about a demonized doll etc. Very good movie. My wife will not see it though.

  • EmptyInside

    I agree blondie,sorry you went through that,that's awful. Real life can be scarier.

    lilbluekitty,I don't think I'm watching "Paranormal" anytime soon.

    Botzwana,the demonized doll movie you mentioned reminded me of when my mother threw away one of my dolls,because it looked demonized.

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