You never know. Many know in their hearts that shunning is inhuman but can't make the disconnect. Perhaps the simple attempt to draw attention to how wrong the "go to your room" analogy is may have a chisel effect on the ediface of ignorance. Keep it up.
Gave 5 JW's Something to Think About at a Starbucks Today
by flipper 81 Replies latest jw friends
I hope you planted a seed. I don't know if it would be enough to get anyone to leave... BUT... it might give one of them pause in the shunning they might do in the future. Hopefully. Maybe before they go to shun someone, that 'seed' will sprout a little.
Good go Flipper!
You made them shudder and think.
I often wonder what kind of printed material and the subject it should touch on that I should carry with me in case I was ever in that type of situation.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Great job!
JWs are sensitive to the social opinion that the world has of them- if enough people continue to hammer away at them and their inhumane shunning of relatives that destroys families, they might change their rules.
The KH meeting I attended this week, had a part about how the world views JWs in a positive light and how even street criminals will treat JWs great- maybe not even robbing and raping them, because they are such great Christians. They really think everyone likes them.
life is to short
Great Job I too like Blondie was shunned as an elders wife for whatever reason I have as yet to understand, it happened even when I was pioneering. You never know what law you might break to tick someone off in that religion and how long you will be shunned. One time it was because I wanted to buy a ceramic Starbucks cup and the pioneer elder's wife I was with got in a real uff because as she explained to me the logo on a Starbucks cup is of a Greek goddess! When I said well we drink out of their paper cups she rolled her eyes at me and said yes but we then throw them out!!!!!!!!! She treated me like I was a complete idiot.
So you never know what will tick off one of them. I thought it was just me but it is nice to hear that others had it happen also. Misery loves company I guess. Once you are shunned you never know for how long so I loved you example of the time out.
It is just so hateful. This is such a sick excuse for a religion.
I just loved how you handled it.
Yay Flipperkins!
It's always good when they stop talking long enough to stare a little. It means they may actually be thinking, and who knows where that may lead. Maybe just telling someone else in their congregation about the conversation will plant a seed elsewhere and THAT person will be the one to wake up. It's happening every day...
Great work flipper!!! I loved your counter point to the sister's analogy. I also thought it was very interesting that the sister was able to lie about JWs shunning relatives like your niece. To paraphase Chris Rock, "JWs tell the biggest lies and lie the most!"
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Flipper,as always,you rock!
Good job Flipper. Your dedication to helping others is beyond reproach. To coin the JW line you planted seeds. I hope it gets through to them
I was shunned as an elder's wife and active jw...and was told that was permissible and to suck it up. These holy ones also told others to avoid me,
Blondie-Maybe soon when all the good JWs assemble, there will be no talking before or after the meetings, as everyone is shunning each other! Ha!
flipper-good for you for pointing out that shunning for years is not like a 20 minute "time out." It is more a life sentence, and cruel.