Someone tweeted today: "A Jehovah's Witness who is shy to people at the door. Do I have to say it? #ironic."
Those few words paint such a sad picture. How many JWs with little self-esteem and self-confidence, particularly born-ins who have never known anything different, are sent out into neighbourhoods to knock on the doors of strangers and speak to them, knowing the householder resents them being there? They just know they're going to be hated.
It's an unnatural practice, no one in their heart likes doing it, and it just piles stress and misery on people who keep being told they "the happiest people on earth". They also believe that unless they keep giving and giving and giving their free time, Jehovah may not save them at Armageddon.
Working in my own neighbourhood, I always dreaded the thought that the door would be opened by someone I knew, and it got the point where I began secretly compiling a list of addresses of the workmates on my side of town so, as best as I could, I could avoid ever calling on them.
For schoolkids, the pain and embarrassment of field service, particularly when they were dressed in their Sunday best and encountered one of their schoolmates at a door, would be just excruciating.
What a demeaning, controlling cult it is.