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Things You Wished You Told the Elders (OR DID TELL THEM)!!!
by OnTheWayOut 51 Replies latest jw friends
finally awake
dear brother elder, your 18 year old daughter looks like a streetwalker in that short skirt and f**k me heels.
Dear brother ____,
Your wife is one of the most obnoxious women I have ever met. She takes it upon herself to counsel others on their dress, their speech, and their attitudes, yet she doesn't look in the mirror at herself. No woman of that size should wear Spandex, even if it IS a skirt. She thinks that just because she's an Elderette, she has the "God-given" right to counsel a BROTHER on the ties he chooses to wear to the meetings because SHE thinks they aren't appropriate. A tie with a scripture emblazoned on it in beautiful elegant script has NO PLACE in the Kingdom Hall, ESPECIALLY not on the platform, according to her. Your daughter is a spoiled little bitch and has been since childhood. You gave her every material thing she asked for, you all lived high on the hog, showing off your belongings to everyone else in the congregation and always having to have the latest EVERYTHING. Electronics, cars, motorcycles, you name it...YOU HAD TO HAVE IT. Yet you had no problem giving talks about "keeping your eye simple" and not being "materialistic". You counselled other brothers not to take so many hours at work, yet you yourself worked long hours in order for your wife to pioneer and your daughter to suck at the teat of your bank account. How old was she when she got her first job? Oh that's right...25. What annoys me the most is that just because you are all cult members, my own mother sticks up for your wife even when she is wrong and being judgmental. "Don't talk about MY SISTER that way!". Yeah. Okay. Because YOUR DAUGHTER has a fucking point about YOUR "SISTER". She's an obnoxious meddling show-off who doesn't care who she pisses off when she spouts her opinions.
"Why did I get DF'd when my mother - solely responsible for my upbringing in this organization - abused me physically and psychologically for most of my childhood until I stood up to her abuse at 16 before leaving home... and she was told only 'You have suffered enough already' in response to her sins?"
My brief exchange with an elder at the KH when I went to see my son give a talk the other day.
I walk in, stand in the back waiting for the talks to start, they are finishing up the book study. I hang out in the back for a few minutes, not doing anything but leafing through a WT left on the service desk. Someone tells brother elder who was on my JC I am there and he comes back to investigate.
Elder: Hi. How are you?
Me: Doing great. How are you?
Elder: What are you doing here?
Me: Standing at the moment. I may sit later.
Elder: Are you here to see your ex-wife?
Me: Why do you ask?
Elder: Just wondered why you are here.
Me: OK. So how are things?
Elder: So you aren't here to see your ex-wife?
Me: I don't think I said.
Elder: Uh, enjoy the meeting.
Amazing that they seem to think that I am there to answer their questions or that they have any power over me or that I am in any way intimidated by them.
LOL That's awesome, Entirely :)
EP: That's tellin' em!! It IS amazing they still think that you owe them answers to ANY of their questions lol.
The last time the elders requested to speak to me, they did so through my father. I told him "Okay, I want you to tell them this EXACTLY: I have nothing to say, no questions to answer, and I'm not interested in speaking with you."
They never bugged him (or me) again.
What I didn't say (but maybe should have) was "Oh, that reminds me, George. Who was that guy I saw your daughter holding hands with and kissing at the fair three counties away a few weeks ago, the guy who isn't her husband? And who was the guy that I saw the MS holding hands with a few weeks ago walking out of the movie theater two towns away?"
just Ron
brother elder let me beat you in the a$$ with a 2 x 4 10 times before you say you are hiting my child.