Things You Wished You Told the Elders (OR DID TELL THEM)!!!

by OnTheWayOut 51 Replies latest jw friends


    Dear Self-Righteous Elder,

    You came to our congregation unbaptised with lots of fire. You made Elder in less than 3 years. Everyone was amazed how fast you made Eldership. We saw how well-read you were,how well you spoke,how you pioneered ever summer,and how you took the lead in all congregation matters.

    Now,we all see that you just became the 800 lbs. gorilla. You rule over all the puppy dog Elders. You put fear into all the congregation members. You have local congregation needs on music,movies,dating and grooming. You take brown noses and promote them and demote them at your whim. You are the policeman at weddings,parties and all other events.

    How many members have moved to another congregation because of your dictatorship? How about the time you had a special talk on not bringing books and toys to the meeting for small children and than seeing your children doing the same? How many times do you pass me by and not greet me because I'm inactive? How about the time you came to my house with the Circuit Overseer and told me you loved me in the congregation just to show him how loving you were? I should have called you a liar in front of him!

    Go ahead and keep on avoiding me when you see me around! All I know is that all the work you do for the WTS is free and all on your time. There will never be a ''new world'' and you were a fool for believing in it all along!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Mickey Mouse, that's probably the best one to say.

    lilbluekitty, so true that they strain the gnat and ignore the camel in their own filters. (or something like that.)

  • LongHairGal

    MORBIDZBABY: Your post is hilarious and SO true. There is at least one family like this in every hall! You should have added: "your wife instigates so-called special needs talks about modesty in dress because she has jealousy issues about attractive women in the hall". If I had to tell the elders anything it would be: "The religion was misrepresented to me and I NEVER would have joined if I knew the REAL story. Also, I am NOT here to be bothered or have anybody ELSE's problems inflicted on me, and I DON'T owe anything to deadbeats or anybody else. And by the way: my personal business is NONE of your business. Understand?"

  • Morbidzbaby

    LongHairGal: This woman is a piece of work...She's been on countless assembly parts because she's had a gajillion studies going on at once. What the assembly parts DON'T tell you is that she basically befriends the friendless, gets them involved in the cult, brings them to baptism...and then drops them. I've never seen her actively associate with ANYONE she has studied with and helped "bring to baptism". She's a friggin' hit-and-run artist. Out of all the people she's seen baptized, only a select few are still JW's. Wonder why... She annoys the hell out of me. You have to watch everything you say around this woman because she has an opinion about everything. Seriously. You can say that you enjoy such and such and she'll pull some "fact" out of her ass as to why it's wrong or some bullshit story she "heard" about it. And she probably does have jealousy issues...she's constantly starting a new diet and sticks with it for all of a week. She's lost massive amounts of weight TWICE, but always lacks the commitment to follow through. She's a complete glutton (believe me...this woman puts it away, no apologies, and then claims she starting a diet the following week).

    What gets me the most is how every one else looks up to her as someone to emulate. I see her as self-righteous, spoiled, judgmental, meddling, and just plain irritating. Her daughters are both so recently got divorced...her husband couldn't friggin' take it anymore.

  • exjehovah

    Dear Elders:

    Why did you allow a known pedophile to work with children in field service?

    Why have you allowed men that have committed adultery get off without even a public admonishing and yet others disfellowshipped without a thorough investigation?

    Why are women attacked for being raped by brothers, but the brothers embraced?

    Do you know that your children are psychotic and dangerous?

  • sherry123

    I told them when the disfellowshiped me..."I don't are if i slept with the whole army,navy, airforce and marines,I will still talk to my son (he was 5 and in his daddy's custody) thats my baby and I will talk to him all I want."

  • jookbeard

    loads of things , but they would never have answered.

  • OnTheWayOut

    RULES & REGS, I hope it helped to get that out. Very deep.

    LongHairGal, LOL at your added thoughts. SO true.

    exjehovah, wow. That first part is scary. The rest is so typical.

    Sherry123, I have to agree. It never happened for me, but I gotta imagine I would never have shunned a son or daughter, also not my own mother, father, grandparent. I don't judge those here that did this before they woke up. It's a cult. But we know it's wrong, now.

    jookbeard, true. They just listen for whatever will DA or DF you.

  • sooner7nc

    Dear Elder ****** *****,

    If you ever show up at my door at 8:30 in the morning unannounced again and proceed to grill my wife for 30 minutes about my actions, knowing full well that she is/was in a very fragile state (undergoing peritoneal dialysis), the following will happen.

    I will find you and I will beat you to fuckin' death with my bare hands and then I'll burn your goddamn house down.

    In closing, I hope there aren't any hard feelings.


  • ex360shipper


    I would answer the door with pump action Mossberg shotgun if they pulled that shit on my family

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