N.drew... Your god proved his "worth" in 1st Kings by... producing fire. Fire, I guess, is amazing or something. Meahwhile, for people who know something about physics - it isn't quite as impressive. Hell - you can buy a bic lighter at the dollar store.
The best "YHWH" could do against "BAAL" is to start a fire. A literal modern-day "dollar store feat".
As a "regular joe" of the 21st century.. can you really expect the "feats" of your "god" to impress people who can walk on the moon?
Fire is pretty damn unspectacular. Imagine people living in the year 0CE watching Jurrasic Park in 1080p video with 7.1 surround sound. They would totally freak out! (They would probably kill eachother trying to escape the screening.)
Meanwhile, god - being the spectacular communicator that he is, didn't even use a languge that included the vowel points of his name. So people like you have to go around calling him "LORD" or "YHWH" because you have NO CLUE! 1080 HD video with 7.1 surround..... MAN ..... vs. a god that doesn't even communicate using vowels.
Heh. I know a communication FAIL when I see it!
- Lime