What about the 16 cases that the setlled out of court in stead of fighting out to prove that the name of Jehovah is clean.
by Bubblegum Apotheosis 56 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
wha happened?
I think it's a prelude to some news. I remember that happened back in 2002? when it was on NBC. I remmeber the talks from the podium before it aired. I joked back then that the meeting was going to be sparse as they will all be watching the expose' of hiding Child molesters in the congregation.
if it is a prelude ( I remember that in 02) I will party like it is 1999.
How long before the dateline episode didwe have notice?
Any recording? Know where his next assembly he goes to maybe for someone to record?
I wonder if there is anything here that is relating to the possible court case in Victoria, AU?
I think it's a prelude to some news. I remember that happened back in 2002? when it was on NBC. I remmeber the talks from the podium before it aired. I joked back then that the meeting was going to be sparse as they will all be watching the expose' of hiding Child molesters in the congregation.
I hope you're correct on this. Even if another scandal doesn't wake up the rank and file, at least current child molestation victims may find the courage to come forward.
Very insensitive comparison, but where's the new light? Does it suprise you these clowns would do this? It's a bait and switch tactic at its finest.
Lady Lee
Hold on a minute folks. Who gavbe this talk? And where?
Correct me if I am wrong but nothing gets said at a district convention that isn't word for word in the manuscript provided by headquarters! NOTHING!!!
Speakers are provided a manuscript and someone sits in the audience and follows along to make sure there are no changes.
I can't see them going back to a time when any man could get up there and say whatever he wanted including providing his own examples.
So unless they have changed how they are controllign things (which I highly doubt) that example comes from the top.
This was a district overseer? Still doesn't make sense. They are all on a pretty short leash
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
What can you expect from a WT representative. A person with a brain and a conscience would call the police at the first hint of child abuse, sexual or otherwise. The latest elder manual instructs elders to call the WT legal department FIRST. They really don't see child molestation as a crime. They would punish a "repentant" child molester with far less severity than somebody that smokes, or a kid that looks at pictures of naked people on the Internet. Of course they wind up to be insensitive, ignorant, self-righteous idiots.
I'm of the same initial reaction as Lady Lee. This is a WTF moment.
What a horrible illustration. What kind of School Overseer trained this guy. He would of received a "W" from me.