More of the us v. them, circle-the-wagons mindset.
Circuit Assembly Confronting Apostate Challenge
by watson 63 Replies latest jw friends
In the WTS they don't df pedophiles even if the secular law finds them guilty and sends them to prison. Apostates they DF.
1) Daniel Fitzwater
2) Paul Berry
I know of 2 jws that were found guilty of pedophilia and were sentenced to prison. They were never df'd because the JC found them repentant.
Daniel Fitzwater (Nevada)
Paul Berry (New Hampshire)
In the JW world, celebrating Christmas is a worse offense than pedophilia. In fact, the only sexual act that they seem okay with is pedophilia.
Gag. I can see the bumpkins visiting them in their prisons...The pedos laying their foundations for when the get out.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
I think you're doing the honorable thing and sticking by your wife, no matter how much the content offends and annoys you. You must really love her. I could only hope that eventually she either sees the light, or at least sticks up for you in the same way you did for her by telling you it's OK to not come along.
Sounds like a dying religion.
Just one question: Is it possible for a (pedophile) sexual predator to be repentant? Sorry I did it. I will never do it again. Isn't that the reason why they are put in prison, to take them out of circulation, to protect the population at large, especially the children.
@Vidqun - Short answer: Yes it is. If he cries, pleads, appears contrite, etc.
Longer answer: The Elder book says to look for signs of repentance. This would be certain wording such as, "I regret what I did", "I feel horrible for the reproach I've brought against Jehovah", etc. Also tears are mentioned as a possible indicator, but not the only one. On a JC I was on once the other two elders decided to DF because the brother didn't apologize, didn't say the expected words/phrases. I disagreed, verbally grappled with them for quite a while and then finally caved and went along with their decision as they were the older ones...I hate that I was any part of that but oh well we ultimately did him a favor he is actually doing well and living a normal life I hear.
So anything can happen on these things. It's a crapshoot and in the hands of the three elders and their interpretation of the book, their upbringing, I.Q., the person's facial expressions, how badly the elders want/need to get home, etc.
Thanks Ray, a travesty of justice every time. How do they help the victims? Do they refer them to child psychologists, psychiatrists? No, they probably have a Bible study with them. That is why they feel they are above the law in Vicroria, Australia, by not registering. They know better.
Sorry that you had to "take one for the team" Mr. Watson (). As Bangalore said, this IS a dying religion. Sometimes I think that this organization is already dead - we always expect to see them going out "mass exodus style" and Brooklyn closing doors, dissolving, whatever, just going away, but instead they might continue to exist, still show "millions of members", but become so lethargic, being only a shadow of its former self. Me thinks > they are already more dead than alive!
Posts like this make me breath deeply and REJOICE that I don't have to go anymore!!!!!!!! Celebrate every moment where you spared yourself from this shit.