way to go watson, love to hear these experiences of how desparate the borg is. we are kndred spiits in that my wife is still in as well.
Circuit Assembly Confronting Apostate Challenge
by watson 63 Replies latest jw friends
The WTS not only lets current pedophile members repent and stay in, they convert non-jw pedophiles to associate with jw children. The WTS believes that pedophiles can say I'm sorry and they will never repeat their crime. Pedophiles have the high recidivism. I takes more than 5 meetings twice a week and 2 hours not talking to people a week to deal with such a behavior.
That part, for some reason, reminds me of the scene in Caddyshack when Ted Knight yells at his son and says,"You'll take nothing and like it!"
Obviously there is an issue inside the organization with the rank & file accepting the latest "generation" doctrine.
Now that I think of it, this reminds me more of the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail where Sir Bedevere tells King Arthur,"...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped."
Lastly, to call apostates "pedophiles and kidnappers" boils down to nothing more than name-calling. Actually, calling someone an apostate is name-calling. Name-calling is used when a person has no facts to support an argument.
Coffee breaks? Newer people being tired? Usually, when you are tired, it is a sign you need to slow down or take a break. Even professional athletes realize that--that's why they don't train non-stop from sunup to sundown. That's why you almost never have workers working non-stop without a break. What are they saying, that the witlesses need to be screeching around at 500 km/h all day and never letting up?
Apostates associated with pedophiles and kidnappers? I think they need to look in the mirror on that one, as there seems to be more of a problem with pedophiles (most seriously, the ones doing it specifically to ruin children's lives as opposed to those simply attracted to someone in particular) among those still in. And kidnapping--what about the witlesses that cannot escape because they hold family members hostage?
My hats off to you sir.....
I just can't bring myself to go with my wife to these wastefests and sit through them for the sake of her getting any flack about my non-participation in WT activities. As far as I am concerned, if she gets disapproving comments or vibes from them because I'm not a footstep follower of those old geezers in Brooklyn, then the solution to her problem lies between them and her.
I ain't got nuthin to do wit it!!!!!
Halting, nervous...I was more confused when he was done. There was a strange feeling that just hung over the audience when they were done.-Mr. Watson
Just proves they have nothing to defend, nothing to say. If this religion were the real deal, such things would be addressed to satisfaction. Instead, the audience was like.... WTF? And then, the forced clap at the end of demonstration.....
Room 215
" they had a couple of brothers do a demonstration. Mocha break (!) out in service'."... don't tell me they're institutionalizing the door-to-door mid-morning coffee break cop-out!
Look for the District Conventions to be big on damage control. Pre emptive discussions, demos, etc. Time is the enemy, the internet, the move from Brooklyn. I believe many are questioning, but can't go anywhere. Family, friends, business interests, networking, support, too much.
What are they saying, that the witlesses need to be screeching around at 500 km/h all day and never letting up?
That's exactly what they're saying and what they want. One way that any cult keeps control of their members is to keep them too busy to stop and think. I remember reading the experience of one woman who was pretty high up in Scientology. Holy christ, she would work 15 - 16 hours every single day. No one there ever said 'take a break' or 'you've been working too hard, you should slow down a bit'. Nope. Mental exhaustion can lull one into complacency as they continue on the treadmill to nowhere.
That's why Witnesses are still always made to feel guilty if they ever take a meeting night off or skip Saturday morning Field Serve-Us to do something unimportant, like say grocery shop, or heck even to spend some time with your kids. Holidays are "no excuse" to miss either meetings or Serve-Us either, as we've all heard over the years.
The bottom line is: they're deathly afraid that the minute you miss a meeting, or start enjoying any activities that are not Borg-related, you might start to question why on earth you're expected to do so much, when there's simply not enough time. Once that seed of doubt is planted, it's only a matter of time before you start questioning other things that make no sense. And before you know it, you're a lurker on some strange site called JWN, or you stumble across Freedminds.org or JWFacts and viola---the rest is history.
These guys are running scared because like any bully, they don't like you to question them, lest you find out that they're really just a bunch of cowardly turds.
This year's Circuit Assembly Theme: 'More Work, Less Joy'