Which generation do you belong to ?

by edmond dantes 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • tornapart

    Next they are going to say that as it is 'just as in the days of Noah' then they will have to add 120 years to 1914. (Gen 6:3) That gives them another generation to play with....

  • 00DAD

    Funny, the wicked generation in Noah's day didn't overlap. I wonder why not?

  • thetrueone

    The New Light incoming concerning 1914 will be "We made a mistake concerning that year "

    As the time scale of a full century approaches and it would impossible over anyone to live further past a century (although it has happened before)

    The WTS. is in position to drop the year 1914 all together. They might just continue on the "Signs of The End Time" propaganda though.

    And ....wasn't calculating the date of Christ's establishment of his heavenly kingdom (1914) by using numbers, going beyond

    what is written in the bible and actually going against Christ's instructions concerning the exact time of his return ?

  • 2tone

    therueone. I think you hit the nail on the head. I could see them dropping 1914. I hope they dont. As long as they keep 1914 we have proof there full of shit. If they take away 1914 we still have proof. It just becomes a little harder to prove at least to jws.

  • mrquik

    I can't believe they can blow off Jesus' understanding of a generation. In the account at Matthew 24 the "generation" that Jesus described was 37 years long. He predicted the fall of Jerusalem in 33 CE. If fell in 70 CE, long enough for those who heard the warning to benefit from it. Must be he didn't have the new light.

  • tornapart

    00DAD .. it didn't overlap because they were already living hundreds of years..

  • 2tone

    mrquik oh darn 37 years after 1975 is 2012 omg the end is nigh

  • 00DAD

    tornapart: Thanks for clarifying about how and why it was unnecessary for the generations to "overlap" in Noah's day. Now can you please elucidate how THAT helps explain the WTBTS's current teachings about the meaning of the word "generation"?

    As far as I can tell, your explanation just further demonstrates the lack of a scriptural foundation for their current take on "generation".


  • straightshooter

    I belong to the beginning of the overlapping generation.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm somewhere in the mix, hurry someone hand me a WT so I can clarify which one?

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