Pray for me (pain)

by StopTheTears 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • StopTheTears

    I don't usually ask for prayers in here but I'm really down and out. I have a pinched nerve in my lower back that will not get better. Also, my right foot hurts. I think I bruised a rib or two as well but I don't know.

    I had to wait 11 days to see a doctor (after ER visit) and I'm still asking to get an MRI. They have me on some pain medicine but I still hurt constantly. It is really terrible, I can only lay on my left side when I sleep (if I sleep) and I can lay in a easy chair with my leg propped up. My left leg is shot. It colapses when i try to walk anymore than 30 ft. So a trip to the bathroom is an adventure and due to several issues thats 10 times a day. I'm really worried there is nerve damage.

    Please pray for God to heal. Thanks very much!!

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Well, I think praying on your behalf will do some good considering Tebow isn't hogging up the prayer lines to the big guy anymore thanks to Tom Brady. Seriously, I hope you find some relief, treatment, and recover soon.

  • wolfman85

    So sorry to read you are in pain. May our heavenly father help you thru the whole process. Blessings. get well soon!!

  • Retrovirus

    I hope very much that your pain eases soon. Take care.

  • N.drew
  • ldrnomo

    Many here will pray for you so you will get better. But if you don't, it just means you don't have enough faith. I have been praying for fewer children to die in the world because they don't have enough to eat but so far it isn't working

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    You asked for a prayer from the right person. I spent years in a fetal position with pain worse than terminal cancer pain. Suffering is prob. not seen as beneficial or no big deal now.

    You don't know it is hopeless. I was told there was no treatment. They took precautions so I would not leap to my death from their offices. I researched it myself at a medical library. Not much in journals. After a very painful test, I sauntered into a medical bookstore. After some controversy, I emerged with a book. One paragraph described my illness to a T. I spent many years hopping from doctor to doctor. Harvard, NY --not a thing can be done. Accept death. I am in pain remission for ten years now. Any remote hope kept me going.

    Pain needs to be addressed. It messes with your brain on many levels. Nerve pain is difficult. There are meds. Pain medicine only existed for terminal cancer patients when I became ill now. It has grown so much.

    Advice: Stay on every med at a high enough dose so it can be eliminated. Don't jump around doctors. Give it a decent try and then some. If no relief, run to pain medicine at a teaching hospital. You have to be very assertive. No one else can feel your pain. If I were compliant and docile, I'd be in my grave a long time. I went through several world class pain centers.

    If you want to hear more, message me. Assume this is very temporary. I know the fear but don't let your mind get ahead of yourself.

  • N.drew

    But if you don't, it just means you don't have enough faith.

    Or it might mean your fear is greater than your faith.

    People tend to hold tight to things they don't understand. I suspect illness sometimes is grasped by the sufferer so that it might be identified and then healed. To let go is frightening for some because we are like children and want to KNOW. Please know that the Heavenly Father is pleased to lead you to peace. Let that one who has an ear listen! Peace! And Health!

  • snare&racket

    Hello, I'm sorry to hear of your discomfort.

    I'm not a doctor, but in training. If your symptoms get worse such as loss of sensation in the groin, loss of bladder or bowel control, go straight to A+E and explain your symptoms. Sounds like a prolapsed disc or a herniated disc, probably inbetween your 4th and 5th lumber vertebrae. The foot pain is symptomatic of sciatic nerve impingement, not very nice at all, I feel for you. An MRI is best if the doctor queries sciatica following examination.

    Forgive my nature, but people with faith die every day of the worst diseases, may I humbly suggest you badger the doctor for help if you are still in pain. Thanks to scientific efforts of good people we now have pain relief for sufferers like yourself. There is no need to be in pain in 2012.

    I mean no disrespect, it's just a practical point. After 13 years in paln myself due to the exact same pathology, half of them as a man of faith, the drugs worked, the constant pleading and begging did not.

    My thoughts are with you,PM me if I can help in any way.

    Again I am a trainee doctor, not qualified.

    Snare x

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    S&R- Amen. I spent at least four hours in prayer, meditation and studying religious studies dealing with suffering. A biological process has gone awry. Prayer can make you feel better abt. being in pain. It can also make you certain no God could exist. Seek treatment.Faith is a side issue. I'm not saying that faith is not important. Don't confuse apples with oranges. You need to be assertive. Pain relief is your right. I have a morphine pump--one of the first installed. When it was first implanted, every md within a ten mile radius of the hospital, begged my permission to view it. Now, no one cares. Assume absence of pain is normal. You are in hell but it is only temporary until you find treatment.

    Teaching hospitals strike me as more aggressive and more willing to use high tech options.

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