Pray for me (pain)

by StopTheTears 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Swear!* I have chronic pain and I deliberately swear. I believe there was a study recently showing it's actually effective in controlling pain.

    *preferably not at the same time as you're praying

  • snare&racket

    Sensory signals and pain signals feed the same routes. Sensory conduction can override pain conduction, hence rubbing an area youve hurt overrides the pain. Likewise itching confuses or overrides the brain with sensory information.

    This is known as gate theory (I think), it can work on backs too, any women giving birth using a TENS machine can confirm this. It is the exact same mechanism.

    I guess 'rub it better' doesn't sound like good advice, but a partner rubbing your foot or gently on your lower back and legm ay help.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Why would God punish us for our fears by not healing us? He created us with fear as a survival mechicanism. Humans would perish without fear. Faith means a zillion different things. I truly believe if you ever suffered chronic horrid pain, you would sing a different tune about God, faith, punishment and healing.

    No God I would ever worship would act in such a manner.

  • snare&racket

    Whats more faith destroying BOTR, is the realisation that you have to believe god designed all of this as a punishment. He designed pain, tumours, genetic abnormality, miscarriage. He designed it to be as sufferable a possible.

    The tree of knowledge in Eden was set up before Satan rebelled, the commandment to not eat and it's punishment were nothing to do with Satan.

    So yes the cold truth, you are praying for relief from the creator of the suffering. He wanted, intended for you to be in maximum pain. Thank goodness I believe he isn't there to enjoy that pleading.

  • tec

    Whats more faith destroying BOTR, is the realisation that you have to believe god designed all of this as a punishment. He designed pain, tumours, genetic abnormality, miscarriage. He designed it to be as sufferable a possible.

    You don't HAVE to believe any such thing about God.

    Pain and weakness, injury and illness, all are part of the physical. So is pleasure and health and growth. Suffering happens to us all. I pray that you have strength from Christ to sustain you through your pain, Stopthetears... and that the source of your pain be discovered and/or healed... by whatever means brings comfort and relief. Peace to you, Tammy
  • Berengaria

    Was that bread reeeeeeeallly that moldy??

  • Greybeard

    Why anyone would use a request like this to preach their atheistic views/religion is way beyond me. Doctors recognize that FAITH is important in the healing process. Negativity and stress kills and preaching your atheistic view to a person who is asking for prayer is not helping her. True she needs to go to the doctor and get as much help as possible as soon as possible but prayer and encouragement will help her to keep a positive attitude through all of this.

    Dear StopTheTears please know that our prayers are with you. May God help you to endure your pain and give you strength to cope during this difficult time. My wife has had chronic pain issues and her faith has helped her to endure. She has been to many doctors. Recently she has had accupunture and that has really helped. Chinese medicine goes back thousands of years. You might want to look into that. Another thing we learned is they don't charge as much as most doctors do.

    May God bless you,

    Your brother in Christ,


  • Diest

    Go to a Chiropractor the pain in your foot is related to the pinched nerve in your $50 you will spend

  • Ding

    I will pray for you.

    Please keep us posted on your condition.

  • jamiebowers

    I have to agree with S&R...sounds like a herniated disc in the back is pressing on your sciatic nerve. I've had the same problem for 30 years. Because a doctor tried to bully me into having back surgery many years ago, I avoided getting treatment. Now the nerve damage is permanent, and I don't have full use of my left leg. If I have to walk any distance or stand for long periods, I use a wheelchair.

    There are now many alternatives to surgery. Please pursue them. I don't pray anymore, but my positive thoughts for healing are certainly sent your way.

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