Latest WT mag April 15th, page 5
First Welsh person in WT magzine...
by snare&racket 17 Replies latest jw friends
Look at his headband. His left arm is so short. Even his thumb looks like a nub. He obviously would ride the short bus.
this picture depicts the attitude we need to have when doing kingdom things lol. We need to be out in service with a crazed look on our face that were about to fuck a sheep. How does this shitake make through the editing process. Somebody has a sense of humor in bethell. Or there is an apostate trying to stir up as much shit as possible.
How many Palestinians or Jews look like that lol ?
P.s. I have many friends from each camp, and indeed the welsh... I'm putting money on him being called Rhodri not Abdullah.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Wait, since when is it cool to equate being Welsh with bestiality or being physically deformed idiots?
since when is it cool to equate being Welsh with bestiality or being physically deformed idiots?
about the same time it was cool to label the art department of the WTS as the same
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Wait, since when is it cool to equate being Welsh with being a member of the WT art department?
somebody's gotta draw physically deformed idiots excited at the oppurtunity of sheep love