LOL... chillax Billy, Im welsh, its all true... "baaaah"..... QUIET fluffy !
First Welsh person in WT magzine...
by snare&racket 17 Replies latest jw friends
Also Billy, you remind me of Jake from Jake and Amir on College
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Well, at least it's a pretty sheep.
How about we compromise and say it's a picture of a SWB seeing his first Welsh sheep?
*SWB = Single Weird Bethelite. Yes, that was an acronym that we used in Bethel.
Gives a whole new meaning to the idea of "Family Night at Watchtower Farms", doesn't it......
Animal husbandry comes to mind too
The sheep looks like it had an electric clipper shearing done on it.
Joe Grundy
Reminds me of the old joke where a Brit tourist meets an Aussie who has a sheep tucked under his arm. (This needs an Aussie accent).
Brit: 'Good morning. Are you going to shear that sheep?'
Aussie: 'No, f**k off and find your own'.
Why do farmers wear wellies? So they can put the sheeps rear legs down them...
Why dont welsh farmers wear wellies?.... they enjoy kissing too much!