He says they have been instructed in how to deal with child abuse cases.
True, if you count "Call the WT legal department at the first hint of a sexual abuse allegation, before anything else" as "instruction".
According to him, the victims (and parents) are free to go to the police and lay a charge.
That is the current policy, as of 5 or 6 years ago. Prior to that, there was no policy. A significant part of current complaints against WTS handling of sex abuse cases is that in the past, the WTS verbally told elders to strongly discourage victims & parents from going to the police.
They are also "encouraged" to seek professional help, viewing psychologists and psychiatrists as doctors.
Absolutely positively 110% false. Virtually no JW elder would ever "encourage" anyone to see a mental health specialist in a million years. Every single WT or Awake article even hinting at medical topics always always always contains the disclaimer "This magazine does not endorse or recommend any treatment...". JW elders would certainly follow that example.
While there may not be congregational sanctions for visiting a therapist, easily 80% or more of the elders I've known in my experience would actively and forcefully discourage it. Another 15-19% might tolerate it. Maybe 1 or 2 elders per circuit would see it as a benefit.