Montreal ICSA Conference - I will be a speaker

by Lady Lee 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yup it's official. I will be a speaker at the International Cultic Studies Association's confernece in Montreal Canada July 5-7 2012 You may find me asking for some specific information over the next couple of months like this one Suicide - How many do you know within the JWs.

    The focus of my lecture will be on the Invisible Victims, such as those who are DFed, UBMs (UnBelieving Mates), children raised in a home where one parent is a JW and the other isn't , people who get involved with JWs only to find too late how much of a problem it will be in the relationship and the impact on these family members. Issues of suicide, depression, relationship breakdown and who knows what else I will find.

    I do have to put limits on it. Not sure yet how much time they are giving me but I will do the best I can with whatever they give me. Any information you post here might be used although your name or ID will not be used. I'm only interested in the info. Also if you prefer you can send me a PM with some info.

    If you are going to the conference I would love to meet you.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    That's fantstic news Lady Lee. It's a bit far for me to come but I will be happy to help with your research.

  • designs

    Congratulations. Record your discourse and post it here.

  • Giordano

    Congraulations on being asked to speak at the ICSA Conference!

    I have been out for over 40 years and my wife and I had limited contact with any JW'S since and no one told us about any of the problems I've learned about since finding this forum.

    'Invisible Victims' is a great title. The word invisible immediately brought to mind the blood policy. The invisible killer of loyal witnesses who traded in their lives and left their families behind while under the control of the WTBTS (which was the major reason we left back in the 1960's).

    Hidden away out of sight of the public and news mediums. Year after year way more destructive then the horror of Jonestown. If any have first hand accounts please contribute to Lady Lee....she will be speaking for all of these victims.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I agree the blood issue is very important but there are other people far more qualified to address the issue than me. Kids who die for the blood policy do get noticed. They get into the newspapers and on TV. They get lots of attention so they aeren't really invisible.

    But those kids with only one parent as a JW or the unbelieving spouses of JWs - no ever hears about them Even among researchers they often focus on the parents who are trying to get their kid out of a cult. So they aren't all that invisible either.

    My mother married an non-believer and she made his life hell. He had to conform to her rules all the time. One time he bought her flowers for some holiday. She started screaming at him how he never respected her beliefs and then she grabbed the flowers and threw them in the trash. This kind of crap went on all the time. This site is about the only place I have read about this issue.

    The religion gives them permission to treat non-believers like they are scum.

    And the kids don't get off easy either. They wind up torn between the JW parent and the non-JW. The non-JW doesn't know enough to stand up for the kids so the kids get dragged to the hall and out in service and even when they don't want to go the JW parent will often will the battles so the kids have no one who really stands up for them.

    And there is one other group that gets no attention. A JW stops going to meetings and starts dating some non-JW. They have sex and the JW gets pangs of guilt and runs back to the hall. Or once the relationship is serious the JW tells the other one that he/she was a Witness and they want to go back because they miss their family or they never introduce the person to their JW parents. All of a sudden the non-JW is thrown into a world they had no idea about. They don't want to lose the person they have grown to love but the JW insanity makes them wonder what they got into. I have to wonder how often they are angry at the deception byt he JW to hide the JW secret for so long.

  • cedars

    Lady Lee, by July we should have collected a good number of responses to our "suicide" question on the latest 2012 Survey.

    If you like, I can issue you with a report of the findings nearer the time so that you can take this statistical information with you to the conference?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    cedars that could be very helpful. Thank you

  • cedars

    No problem, it would be a pleasure to help. If you could remind me nearer the time by PM, that would be great.



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