no need to go into details (if you want details then i'll give more) but just for the sake of brevity, i will state it succinctly. i just want to also note, this is not even one of crazier things i've seen with these people. i was at a meeting for field service know how they will have one guy take the group out, and he will ask questions about presentations and things like that right? so i raised my hand to answer a very basic question, gave a very basic generic answer to this question. after i was done, the elder sitting one row over from me, reached his hands out in a choking fashion, and began to shake like a maniac with his hands choking......this really happened (maybe 1 year ago approx) i'm sure some closet jwnet readers are thinking yea sure just some crazy apostate willing to say is true, among many other crazy another elder with material about making dark pacts with satan in his book library (it was a 3 part series, and 1 book was about making the pact with satan, i don't know if he had that book, i'm guessing he did since it was a series of 3 books...i just know for sure that he had the first book in the series, which by jw standards was just as bad)'s just non stop, and all these folks are elders...these guys are directly appointed by god? like...i'd guess transients would have more respect in a "house of god" than this...but these are the chosen? if a dog bites you one day, how many times do you need to say "i just didn't have enough faith", and go back to the dog again, only to be bitten again....maybe it's not a lack of faith? it's a lack of ...i don't even know, common sense? seriously, if someone has an answer for this, please, i'm all ears. imperfect men? why bother having any standards at all then? if you can't refrain from fantasies of choking people in field service meetings, well what can you do? that seems pretty basic....i'm sure this man is still an want this guy shepherding your kids?
I want to repeat this personal experience
by cptkirk 39 Replies latest jw experiences
Broken Promises
Old men tend to re-tell the same stories over and over again.
Cptkirk, I can see why it must bother you big time. These are people that are supposed to be exemplary in their conduct. Well I have news for you. They are just as imperfect as you and I (no better, but sometimes worse). I have a simple answer for you. Some people think too much of themselves, contrary to what the Scriptures teach (Rom. 12:3). But what they forget, if you stumble someone, it's as good you are thrown into the water with a millstone around your neck. I don't say so, Jesus said so (Luk. 17:2). I also keep in mind, if something or someone stumble you, "cut it off" in a figurative sense. Rid your life of people like that. It's called freedom of association. This is one of the things we were taught by the Watchtower (Matt. 5:29).
DUDE, I mean no disrespect, but did you forget to take your meds?
yea the problem is they are all a stumbling block to their own doctrine. please get off my thread(s) apologists, you want to know if i exaggerate or lie, get on skype and see for yourself. sorry that i hurt your precious little feelings, but i did learn something, a lot of you know how to dish it out, but don't know how to take it....very bad character flaw.
i like the old man thing though....i'm wondering how many old men were ranked #3 on the arenajunkies for all servers in europe and the usa...lot of old men arena players eh? server was mannoroth (was the top pvp server at that time, highest concentration of the highest rated players in the usa)
you want to see pics of my chateau in florida too?
it's unfortunate you do this to yourselves, maybe that is why i was sent here, to send all the little twits somewhere else.
Broken Promises
I never thought "chateau" and "Florida" could be used in the same sentence.
Aussie Oz
I think perhaps Elders feel they get a 'pass' on stuff.
Knowing that spirituality is a load of nonsense in JW land, one feels one has it as one climbs or is pushed up the ladder. So on attaining the lofty (as high as they will probably go) status of elder no doubt the self belief is 'i am as spirititualy strong as i can be' and with said feelings of self adulation embark down roads that mere plebs cannot walk.
One little example: The talking to a Df person at the door. Tell a M/S you are DF and they will politely but swiftly walk away... the next week they are appointed an elder and if they call on you that week, you can bet they will stay and chat! super spiritual, yeah!
And i'll bet that keeping certain books and films suddenly become ok too...
Black Sheep
Just keep on doing whatever it takes to get them to make pratts of themselves with an audience, especially if there are kids present.
Give them ample opportunity to sing the La La Song. You must have done a good job to get an Elder doing the choking mime. I hope there were plenty there to witness it.
In hindsight, it was an elderly Lutheran getting my Dad to make an ass of himself that tipped me into not getting baptised some years later. The results weren't immediate. It was decades later before what he said really kicked in and I became mentally free, but I really appreciate what he did for me. May he RIP