Hi brother!!!!! What a coincidence!
I understand your post.
I do not know how they don't get what your saying.
I have an example. I have posted about it before but now is the time to add the specifics.
I dummy slapped a sister in the field service. Perhaps it stung a little through her heavy winter coat, but not for long. Her pride was hurt, she cried, I siad I was sorry. And I was!
But saying sorry was not enough. How the brothers handled the situation got me thinking "who appointed these men?".
A list of folly:
She did not come to me to settle it. (do you want scriptures?) I have to go soon, maybe later scriptures K? (maybe I would punch her next time?)
Plese keep in mind it was my first offence (of anything at all, certainly my first hands on offence)
I called to talk reason to her. Her (she is a pioneer) husband (he is an elder, but not any elder, he is THE elder) said, She should talk to you? You asaulted her.
OK. So I called a brother that I know has intelligence and told him that brother elder siad I asaulted her. He said, legally it could be considered an "assault". He did not say anything but that.
When they had their session with me they treated me as a baby gets treated. How many apologies whould you like? I'm so sorry I did not go to acting school for this!
The next folly they did was extraoridinary. (it takes two to fight-I thought everyone knew that!) They put her up on stage a week later. That is significant for you who don't know. Only exemplary publishers get to do that.
There's more, but I have to go!
Beam me up Captain!