Draconian Rules for Attending "Special Convention"

by BluesBrother 137 Replies latest jw friends

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Joe Grundy > Perhaps you are right with the Discrimination Act

    They behave more and more like those Jesus condemned for their actions.

    If the Pharisees cared little for those with physical disabilities, they cared even less for those who were impoverished spiritually. Their distorted view of righteousness led them to ignore and despise tax collectors and sinners. (John 7:49) Nevertheless, many such ones responded to Jesus’ teaching, doubtless sensing his desire to help rather than to pass judgment. (Matthew 21:31; Luke 15:1) The Pharisees, however, denigrated Jesus’ efforts to heal the spiritually sick. “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them,” they muttered reproachfully. (Luke 15:2)

    w98 8/1 p. 10 par. 12

    Disability Discrimination Act 2005



  • ziddina

    Oh, and one other thing....

    How much do you want to bet, that the P.R. department of the Watchtower Corporation has ALREADY started lining up "interviews" and "photo-ops" with the local newspapers and magazines???

    I can just see the fluff-pieces now....

    "Jehovah's Witnesses Attend Special Assembly in Dublin"
    "In a city that has been torn by religious conflict, the special assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses being held on the weekend of July 13th brings a welcome change.
    The Jehovah's Witnesses are known the world over for their peaceable approach and rejection of militaristic behaviors...."

    Yadda yadda yadda.....

    Bleah.... AGAIN!!!

    I think that would be a WONDERFUL time and place to stage a peaceful demonstration - with QUOTES FROM THAT APPLICANT INSTRUCTION SHEET featured prominently on the placards!!!


  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    ziddina > Come July 11, I will fax/eMail the letter to every Dublin newspaper outlet, including a little write-up for incorporation into the local newspaper articles. - Some publishing of my own, if you will.

  • ziddina
    "Come July 11, I will fax/eMail the letter to every Dublin newspaper outlet, including a little write-up for incorporation into the local newspaper articles..." bats in the belfry

    Yeah!!! YAY!!! [fist-pump!!!]

    GREAT idea!!!

  • thetrueone

    " Jehovah's Witnesses choose selective Christianity for the general public "

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    "Special" this; "Special" that! Special is another word that the WTBTS is quickly wearing out. There isn't anything special about any event that the WTBTS puts together.

    The JWs and their "Special Conventions" can kiss my ASH!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The biggest scam with these international conventions is the free tickets for the WT clergy--branch oldsters, COs, DOs.

    As many of you know, going on an internation convention tour is very expensive, and they want you to book an entire tour package with their chosen company. They don't necessarily demand that you book their flights, but at least the stay at the convention city has to be booked through the special travel agency. With a tour group like this, for every so many paid travellers, tickets are provided for the tour guides. That's how travel agencies work their tour packages. They round up lots of customers, and for every 16 or so travellers, they can send along a travel agent to take care of the needs of the travellers so things can go very smoothely for the group. Other perks may be thrown in for big groups like free meals or private parties.

    However, on the JW convention tours, the free tickets that should go to travel guides that would take care of the details for the travels... those go to branch personel, COs, DOs. Of course, the groups of JWs need bus captains and group leaders to take care of the details that a travel agent would. What is the WT solution? On the application is a checkbox asking brothers if they're willing to be bus captains. So, some shmuck is paying too much for his ticket and has to work during his "vacation."

    I've known several that got the free passage tickets, oldsters from Bethel, CO couples, none of them volunteered for anything. This was their vacation, and they had no interest in working for their free passage.

    I've also travelled on international conventions where our group endured stupid errors because we had a huge group with zero leadership that knew what was going on. Situation 1) Our entire group was in Moscow when we were supposed to be in St. Petersburg. That wasted 2 days of a very expensive trip. 2) My roommate was a bus captain. He wasted many hours trying to help people find lost luggage.

    It's the type of scam that WT would condemn if the Catholic Church did. Frankly, WT has their own greedy clergy that fleece the flock at every turn.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    hi Billy,

    Was that the 93 convention in Moscow? I went with an Aussie group to Moscow and St Petersburg. We paid an extra $500 for "1st class accommodation" in Moscow but was housed in 3 star accommodation. The refund we received? A measley $100 that was paid a year later.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • drewcoul

    Maybe I should know this, but I'm not familiar with a "Special Convention." I've been to each and every DC held when I was in, and to a couple International conventions, but I don't remember the term "Special Convention" Could someone explain what it is?

    I am astounded by the ridiculous stipulations!!! No one who needs wheelchairs or oxygen???? You must pay for a 7 day stay???

    The rules for the DC was one thing (It was a composite "thing") that started my thinking. I didn't like being told I couldn't buy food from a vendor, that I had to wait to cross the road until the pimply faced kid told me I could cross, that I couldn't stand in the aisle with my infant son to watch the drama, to be told to take my seat by some MS wannabe with an "Attendant" tag on, while the PO from my mom and dad's congregation spent most of the convention time in the concourse chatting it up with old friends of his.

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