A new girl has begun working in my office. She is a JW and has just moved to my state after leaving Florida (where she's from) and where her entire family lives. I've become relatively chummy with her. She has told me she moved to my state because she hates her mother and they do not get along. After work we've hung out sometimes at a sports bar, which made me think she was disfellowshipped? due to the sports thing, but she says that she goes to the Kingdom Hall twice a week so I guess not. She seems rather miserable (not sure if it's due to the JW thing but I'm assuming) I've caught her crying in the bathroom a few times but I don't want to pry. I haven't mentioned to her that I ever studied with the JW. My question is, should I let her on to this site or leave her alone? She seems very lonely and sad and of course, I don't know that it's due to being a JW, but from what I've heard on this site, I do wonder. Plus, her entire family are JW's and live in Florida and she's moved 500 miles away to a town where she knows no one and has no family so something is amiss. What do you think?
I've made a Witness friend at work
by PenelopePaige 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
P.S. the reason I said I wonder about her going to a sports bar is because if a fight is on, she will cheer on a certain opponent which I thought was prohibited.
I wouldn't invite her here yet; if she is afraid of apostates it could ruin the rapport you have with her and drive her further into the organization.
Be her friend, do stuff with her, listen a lot, and see what her attitude is toward the organization.
See if she's going door to door and if so how often.
Let us know what's happening.
The more we know, the better we will be able to advise you.
Yes, please do not tell her you studied with JW.
If she have not tried witnessing to you maybe she
have doubts. What she needs now is A good friend.
I agree with Ding, do not invite her here. I may cause
her to go back into the JW mode. Just pay attention, get
A sense on how she feels about the cult.
Black Sheep
Ask questions only. Be her friend. Tell her nothing and keep her talking.
It may be that the fallout with her mother is that her mother has left the cult.
Black Sheep
... which I thought was prohibited.
Even true believers can lead a double life. They just put up with the guilt.
troubled mind
Maybe she is df'd and only going to meetings to get re-instated . She could of left home because of it too . I say be her friend like any other friend . It can not hurt to tell her you studied ,that way she will know you understand a bit more about her . It may help her open up more ,then you can discuss why you quit studying .
I believe in being truthful with people ,you don't have to tell everything ,but I do think she would appreciate to know you are more familiar with JW's than you are letting on . I also would only suggest jwn if she lets you know she has doubts .
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
If anything, you might go ahead and make the observation to her that she seems like a very nice person, but very sad. Ask if she misses her friends. It's good that you don't pry, but at least show that you care and she might start opening up.
thanks everyone for the advice. She's so sweet. She seems like a genuinely good, sweet person and I feel so sorry for her because she seems so alone. I will just be a friend but if she ever mentions any doubts , I think that will be the time that I turn her on to this site. :) Thanks
Anony Mous
Be her friend and only slightly probe. When you're confronted with their beliefs you could simply say: really? That seems like it's hard to do (or something along those lines).
You could kindly ask if you see her cry what's wrong and if you can be of any help but don't show that you're an ex-JW because she might clam up.