Do you think she's crying due to homesickness? Or maybe the strained relationship with her mother? Her sadness might not be JW related.
I've made a Witness friend at work
by PenelopePaige 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
How did you find out she is a JW?
As above, it is worth asking if she is ok and if she would like to talk about it. You may be surprised what the reason is. Don't introduce yourself as knowledgable about JWs, or to this site, until you know a lot more about what she is thinking. It sounds she needs a friend at this stage and it is not worth risking that friendship. That will be far more important to her long term than anything else you can say or do.
jwfacts- the reason I know that she is a JW is that she once mentioned her love for Jehovah, something I have never heard by anyone other than a JW (the name Jehovah- I'm a baptist and we always refer to him as God) so I asked her , "Oh are you a JW?" and she said yes and then began to ramble about Paradise earth and how she couldn't wait until she could live on Paradise earth and "swim with dolphins!" she was quiet wound up and wouldn't you know it, the biggest bitch in my office walked up just as she was saying, "I can't wait to swim with dolphins" and the girl says, "Hold up, what are yall talking about?" to which the girl begins to tell her about how wonderful it will be blah blah, and the bitch girl literally fell onto the ground laughing. I felt so bad for my friend because she is so nice. Obviously, I tried to make her feel better and not feel akward but I did feel so bad for her. :(
Also, she seems to REALLY hate her mother. Before I came to this site I would have assumed all JW mothers are saints but after being on here, I see their just like other people- some good moms, some bad, but she has mentioned MANY times how awful her mother is.
Ask questions only. Be her friend. Tell her nothing and keep her talking.
Good advice there. Just be her friend. As you get to know her and she opens up, she may tell you more and you'll have a better feel for her situation. Right now, you're kinda guessing, so any move you make is basd on your assumption and not all on fact.
When you know the hard facts, you can proceed further...but cautiously. If she opens up about the JW stuff, you can ask questions and drop hints without ever admitting that you ever studied or have a past with them as well. If she were to find that out, it may scare her away from you completely.
What's good for her, even though she doesn't know it, is that she's found a good friend already in her new life. And this new friend is going to help her more than she'll ever realize.
FatFreek 2005
It can not hurt to tell her you studied , that way she will know you understand a bit more about her . Troubled Mind
I believe that to be true. I use that expression whenever I talk to someone I learn to be a JW. Invariably they then ask, "Oh -- may I ask why you quit studying?"
The door is now open.
You: "This link right here presented some questions that my teacher simply couldn't deal with." (proceed to hand her a small slip of paper with the internet link Yes, it's that short and you don't need the HTTP:// prefix. If she slips it into her purse you won't know whether or not she actually checks it out -- but you've planted the seed.
It would be a good idea to browse it yourself first so that you can honestly endorse it. It's a link to THE GREAT WATCHTOWER CONTRADICTION, an 11 minute read that is designed for ones who have begun studying and are considering the Watchtower religion. If your new friend happens to check it out for herself it will probably make her very uncomfortable with some things she has believed all her Watchtower life.
Good luck.
Oh, goody, I found this thread again!!
Everyone has wonderful advice.
I always come in after the party's started...
I agree with everyone - be a REAL friend to her.
And be patient. Don't mention this site; it's filled with "APOSTATES" [ OOOOO! SCARY!! ] and might drive her off.
Be like a really, really good therapist. Several people mentioned asking questions, keeping your replies very neutral and avoiding any whiff of "judgmentality" - I think you're a good person who would never do that, but just had to throw in that 2-cents' worth there...
Give her enough time, and a good shoulder to cry upon, and I think that she'll continue opening up to you.
But if she still "believes", then ANY hint of "apostate thinking" will scare her off and cause her to clam up.
Once you've gotten more of the "background story", you'll have a better idea about how to proceed....
Best results to you!
Thanks everyone :)